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Gone Fishin`...

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Im starting a new hobby.


The last time I went fishing was in 1974 or 5 when I was a lad, I ended up swimming across Dam Flask because.. well because I was bored out of my tiny skull basically.


The other morning, I climbed from my pit and decided that I was a fishing freak, I LOVE fishing, and was about to go out and try to buy all the kit I need.


Trouble is, I dont have a clue WHAT I need!


When we went into Sheffield the other week, I noticed that fishing rods are different. Theyre called Poles now and are about three miles long and you dont have to cast and theres no reel or anything.


So I emailed me old mucker John Wilson for advice, and hes got tons of stuff that he doesnt use so hes calling by tonight to drop it all off.

Hopefully, my bro in law Dave, John and a few others are going to be setting off on a fishing trip soon and Im gonna invite myself!

The lucky sods are going to have me for company.



Anyone else on SF into splodging?


is that john wilson the world famous angler? if so whoooooo hark at him name droppin ya lucky buggar. not much of a fisherman myself but had some great times taking the sons when they were young. once caught a massive carp on the canal, it was brill!!

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Ah, hes back at last. !! :D



if your on about me they keep banning me, dunno why, the last one was for stiring up trouble, it was that thing with minnie, so i have to behave, or be boring, anyway i am glad to be back.

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