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Golliwogs - love 'em or hate 'em?

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It is all a bit pathetic really isn't it? It's a doll, or a symbol on a jam jar.


It's really not teaching children very much that you can't make a smiling doll with a black face and body. There are tonnes of japanese dolls and do you hear them bleeting about it?....nope it's an export :D.


As per usual people take something innocent and make it revolting, black is a colour and some people are black..simples.

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It is all a bit pathetic really isn't it? It's a doll, or a symbol on a jam jar.


It's really not teaching children very much that you can't make a smiling doll with a black face and body. There are tonnes of japanese dolls and do you hear them bleeting about it?....nope it's an export :D.


As per usual people take something innocent and make it revolting, black is a colour and some people are black..simples.

Maybe you've not noticed but years ago the Indian guy on the 'Camp Coffee' lable was holding a tray and waiting on the White man who was seated.

To cave in the the PC brigade the tray has been taken away.

Next thing will be that the homosexual clan will be using it (due to it being called 'Camp Coffee) as a symbol because it is two men together and not a man and woman.:o

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As a child my Mum dressed me up as a Golliwog to take part in Salford University's rag parade. The float I was on had a Robinsons Jam theme and I dressed up and sang "Mammy" as we drove slowly around the streets of Moss Side.


Surprised I'm here today.



*remembers that for later*



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The best freind of a girl i was going out with about 10 years ago was a black lass, we went to visit her one time at her house(she was living at home with her parents then) and i was suprised to see gollywogs all over the house.


..surprised you didn't think it was other members of her family 1ofthesedays ;)

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Well they were always the bad'uns in Noddy books. They were probably arrested for shoplifting.


As i recall mr golliwog ran the local garage and the wrong un's where the goblins who robbed him, who all had to file past and put some compo in pc plods hat for mr golliwog.


Can;t see the racism in depicting hblack people as hard working business people who are the victims of crime myelf.

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..surprised you didn't think it was other members of her family 1ofthesedays ;)


I'm surprised you can take it all in such good heart sometimes BF. As a child of the 40s, I grew up with ******* as toys, or badges we got in exchange for jampot labels.


I've grown up since then, and become more aware, especially of the history of African people. Its pretty obvious that 'golliwog' became a derogatory term, like so many others associated with black people. The last three letters 'wog' speak for themselves. I wouldn't have one as a gift.


I just don't get why so many people aren't prepared to be just a little bit kind to others. No one objects to black dolls - because they look like babies, in fact I think we should have more dolls that depict different races. But the golly is a caricature in the worst possible sense and would be no great loss to society in general.

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I'm surprised you can take it all in such good heart sometimes BF.
..thought I'd get the punchline in before 1ofthesedays returned to deliver it :D


As a child of the 40s, I grew up with ******* as toys, or badges we got in exchange for jampot labels.


I've grown up since then, and become more aware, especially of the history of African people. Its pretty obvious that 'golliwog' became a derogatory term, like so many others associated with black people. The last three letters 'wog' speak for themselves. I wouldn't have one as a gift.


I just don't get why so many people aren't prepared to be just a little bit kind to others. No one objects to black dolls - because they look like babies, in fact I think we should have more dolls that depict different races. But the golly is a caricature in the worst possible sense and would be no great loss to society in general.


Spot on MsMacb, I don't believe anyone should beat themselves up over owning or liking gollywogs, they've just become anachronistic over time, like smoking and men only golf clubs. It's the word that is particularly offensive and of course will always be associated with the doll, it's a shame it couldnt be called something else.


As you also point out nobody has the same issue with black dolls, because they never had the negative connotations, my kids had both black and white dolls, it was like a scene from a Benetton advert in our house :)

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..surprised you didn't think it was other members of her family 1ofthesedays ;)


..thought I'd get the punchline in before 1ofthesedays returned to deliver it :D





Its no joke honestly, there was pictures on the walls of gollywogs, and i noticed a set of car keys on the kitchen table with a gollywog keyring on it.

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