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Any norfolk school old boys?


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Hi. again,No sorry no bells ringing. Re your previous post,half of which I forgot to answer.I don't know whether there are parts of the old school still standing, but I go up that way on Wednesdays,and I'll go and have a look next week whilst I'm passing,might bring back a few old mems.Just had another look at my leaving report,it says I left on the 20th Dec 1956 and was signed by the then Headteacher S North,does'nt say whether Mr or Mrs and I can't remember (senior moment I'm sure)



The heads name that I have is Marion Gagan , but she was in the junior building . I assume your talking seniors here . I did go back and look through my notes and I do have a " Henry Smith " listed as a teacher in the junior school , is he the same Smith you mentioned ?


By the way , my last year was 54 (seniors) just before we left for Canada

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Hi.all Norfolk School oldies,well I've just been past the old place today wed.22/11/2006 and what a change,the junior bit at the bottom of Craddock Rd.has all gone as has been reported allready,but the playing field is still there,in a very uncared for state,with one solitary horse grazing away in the middle of it and the tennis courts appear to have survived in an allmost derelict condition,the prefabricated classrooms just below the playground are no more.At the top of Craddock Rd. at its junction with Brimmesfield Rd. there is now a small housing complex of about 30ish new houses (on the area once occupied by the hall & headmasters office)The only parts still standing as far as I could see are the caretakers house on Craddock Rd. and the seperate school building further down Brimmesfield Rd.more or less on the corner of Spring Lane,which is still in use and now occupied by "Spring Lane College"

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  • 2 months later...
the prefabricated classrooms just below the playground are no more."


those 'annex' as we called them were pulled down when i was there sometime between 1986 & 1990 and tarmacced over. the school on spring lane was the middle (junior) school. i thought it was now a school for unruly children.


i pass it every day on the tram and see that poor shire horse in the field in all weathers. twas much better int owden days ;)

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