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Bruce Springsteen Night @ West Street Live - Take Two!

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On Sunday 25th March Sheffield pays tribute to the legend that is Bruce Springsteen. We've 6 fine acts lined up who'll be performing their own takes on the finest works of The Boss at West Street Live. The music starts at 8pm and entry is free. On the bill we have:


Colin Mounsey


Leeds based singer/songwriter Colin Mounsey kicks things off with his interpretation of 4 classic Springsteen tracks. An additon to the original line up after January's postponement and sure to be one good thing to have come out of the washout.




M&J Blues


Father & Son duo M&J Blues have been playing together for several years, performing an eclectic mix of blues, country and rock & roll in venues throughout the city. Highly accustomed to making other people's songs their own, make sure you're there to catch them!


The Daoist Cowboy


With a set that will be drawn from The Seegar Sessions material of Springsteen's most recent album, the Daoist Cowboy will deliver a performance highly in tune with his own material, that draws heavily on the likes of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan and The Byrds.




Dave Sleney


Front man and song writer in cheif of Sheffield band The Enquiry, Dave Sleney pays tribute to one of his long time musical heroes. Expect to hear his highly renowned take on 'The River' as he strips his sound back to basics for a rare solo performance.




Steve Gascoigne


Singer/songwriter Steve has been performing around the local scene for over 20 years both solo and with his band, including several performances at Bruce Springsteen fan conventions. Sunday sees him make a return visit to West Street Live where he's set to wow fans of The Boss all over again.




Dave Woodcock & The Dead Comedians


You can never be quite sure with what you're going to get from Dave Woodcock & The Dead Comedians, apart from the fact it's going to be good. We're looking forward to their whiskey tinged take on a wide range of Springsteen's material. Dave Woodcock & The Dead Comedians are rapildy gaining a reputation as one of the finest local live bands around.




As mentioned above, the music starts at 8pm and entry is free.

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