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Akbar's Pakistani Restaurant


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I went on Tuesday :)

It's such a beautiful restaurant; it's very dark - candles everywhere; very romantic :love:

The food was excellent too :)


Of all the things I miss about the UK it's the food. While there are many excellent places here we don't have the same diversity of food available in the UK.

I went to Akbars a few times and loved it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to akbars last night. As the 'OOnly asian customer' in the resturaunt, i felt a few eyes on me from the opposite table, as i tucked into my desi khana the tru desi style. 'I ate with the tools that the almighty provided me with, 'my hands'. Don't wish to offend anyone but i do find it highly amusing to see people trying to eat curry and naan with a knife and fork. i mean would people eat a cheese sandwich or a chip butty with a knife and fork. I suppose i'm just a bit of a junglee, and people just like to be seen to be 'civilized' in public. That is until they'v had a few drinks of course, then there is no dignity spared Eew!!


anyway, after waiting a full hour for a table, i have to say the the food, service and surroundings of the place were very nice. I would definately go again.:hihi:

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