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The Woodside Lads & Lasses of the 60s and 70s

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Can't claim to be a Woodsider - we were foreigners living on Fox Street.


BUT my grandad (James Nugent) lived on Birley Street in the 1880's and my great grandad (George Mason) was landlord of The Locomotive around the same time.


If any of your ageing Woodsiders have recollections - or better still - photos of the area I wouldn't mind a look.


By the way, my best mate at Pye Bank in the 50's lived on Fowler Street. Does that make me any less of a foreigner???

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i lived on Macro St and went to Woodside. The dining room was at the bottom of the wae a prefabricated yard down some steps if I remember rightly it was a prefabricated builing. The toilets were in the main yard. Does anyone remember the Helen Wilson settlement on Hick St. its now a printers, spent a lot of happy hours there.It was a playcentre when we were kids. I also remember going to a lads house on Platt St (his name was Peter Green) as they used to have concerts in thier yard in the summer. They used a blanket peged to the washing line as a curtain for the stage. Oh those were happy times and days.


hi im still trying to place you do you remember billy waker graham dawson and terry hunt he lived about 2 door from peters we all went to the helen wilson settle ment had some good time the dining room at the school was ofset to the play ground to the right at the bottom of the play ground

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Well at least the memeories are well "preserved". Could have sworn you had to cross the playground and then go down some stairs to both the bogs and the dining room further on. I remember the climbing frame being at the bottom of the playground. Saw my first pair of girls unmentionables there when she did a upside down swing on it. Happy days eh!! Went on to Burngreave high from Woodside. Where did you live, I lived behind Stones Brewery at the bottom of Rutland road.


hi you are right about going down steps to the dining room but the toilets were next to the old selters at the bottom of the yard the climbing frame was in the infants part do you remember billy smith carol smith stewat gibbson alan wilson janet plant ?

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LESMITH I remember those people you are on about.If I remember rightly about woodside school as you came out of the doors the girls toilets were to the left underneath a type of shelter that had steps going up into the infant school playground.I can remember being chased into those toilets by a boy called Roger Denial. The whistle went for the end of playtime and he wouldn't let us out, so we were sent to see the headmistress (Miss Miller) for a ticking off. I lived in Macro st (78) at my grans, but we bought a house on Fox St, in days gone by it used to be a pub(not in my time). My gran never came out of the house as she was crippled and couldn't walk. Next door to us (on the left)lived a family called Wragg and to the right of us a family called Fowler.When the slum clearence happened my gran bought a house on Monmoth St(off Hanover St That lead to Glossop Rd) gosh it was posh going back then. We(my family) went to live at Longley.

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We lived on Manners Street, right next to the Plants. There were two brothers (Ian and Peter) and two sisters (Jean and Janet)

Peter joined the army.


hi who are you and did you go to wood side school you could be stewat gibbson ???

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hi who are you and did you go to wood side school you could be stewat gibbson ???


I did go to Woodside (about 62-66..I think)

I'm Shane, son of Albert and Marjorie Pacey at No.26. I was only a little sprat in those days, but have some surprisingly sharp memories of that time. We moved to The Manor, then Scowerdon's Farm and finally to Australia in 1968.

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I did go to Woodside (about 62-66..I think)

I'm Shane, son of Albert and Marjorie Pacey at No.26. I was only a little sprat in those days, but have some surprisingly sharp memories of that time. We moved to The Manor, then Scowerdon's Farm and finally to Australia in 1968.


hi i came out to australia in 1970 we had a lot of fun in them days

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