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Whitehouse Rd Church

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Does anyone have any information or pictures of this church.I think it was called St Saviours.

It used to terrify me as it was a ruin in the 50's and looked very sinister.It was totally demolished in the 60's.

This faced Cundy St but their was another delapidated church/chapel on Cundy St itself which was in use.Does anyone know its name and denomination.

I've tried Picture Sheffield for the former without success so would appreciate any input

Thank you

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St Saviour's opened in 1913. It was a chapel of ease within the parish of St Mary, Walkley. I found a reference which says that it closed in 1935 and was demolished in 1983.


I haven't seen photos of it but I would also be interested in seeing any. I suspect there may be one in the memoirs of Sydney Smith (the Vicar when it opened). I don't have a copy but I can ask the present Vicar :) (there is also a copy in the local studies library I think).


The Chapel on Cundy Street, address no. 29, was the "United Methodist Church and Lecture Hall", according to a directory of 1919/20. I think I have seen a photo, possibly only of the interior, but at the moment I can't find it.


Hugh in Walkley

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Thank you for that.I did'nt realise it was as late as 1983 before St Saviours was demolished.

I had no idea what denomination the Cundy St Chapel was only that it was very "tatty".I briefly joined The Girls Life Brigade there but had to leave as you were only allowed a few weeks grace before having to buy a uniform.Money was very tight in the fifties and as Mum could'nt afford to buy it I had to leave.I was sad to leave but pleased to be leaving all those huge spiders which seemed to lurk in all the crevices.

Thank you for the information.I would be interested if you find anything new.

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The photos I remember are on the version of PictureSheffield in the Local Studies Library but not the online version. There are two images - one of the frontage on the street, and one of the interior, featuring a big organ and organist.


edit: that's the Cundy Street Chapel I mean, not St Saviour's



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