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What is a respectable 10k time?

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Hi I have been running about 9 months and am about to do the Lincoln 10K. Can anyone let me know what a respectable time would be. I have been running 6 miles regularly and my best time has been 46 minutes but this involves 2 steep hills!! (i am female if that makes a difference!)

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I've only done 1 organised event...had to pull out of others since 'cos of repeated injury >:(


I did it in 58 minutes so 46 is certainly respectable in my eyes. I think the more serious runners do them 30 minutes, or just under.

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Wow, I'm really impressed, I've been trying to increase my speed but can only manage 59 mins.


I've pledged to do 10 different 10k runs this year to raise money fro Multiple Sclerosis, I'm hoping that by December I should have reduced this a little.


Well done to you, I think your time is amazing, I'm a little jealous actuallly!!

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I managed it 49.13 - the start was incredibly fast and i have never experienced anything like it before - gun, cheer, silence and lots of feet - i was totally overwhelmed.


running on a totally flat course i found harder than the couple of hills i have on my run - it just seemed to go on forever.


i might give rother valley a shot but i think my training will have to be a flatter route and i need to pace myself better.


any tips appreciated.

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I managed it 49.13 - the start was incredibly fast and i have never experienced anything like it before - gun, cheer, silence and lots of feet - i was totally overwhelmed.


running on a totally flat course i found harder than the couple of hills i have on my run - it just seemed to go on forever.


i might give rother valley a shot but i think my training will have to be a flatter route and i need to pace myself better.


any tips appreciated.


First of all, well done with a very creditable time with your first attempt.


I can recall very similar experiences on my first 10k. It's quite an experience isn't it! You will get used to it, and after a number of them now, it still gives me a buzz each time I line up.


However, as all runners of various abilities will tell you, don't get carried away with the atmosphere by starting too fast. Concentrate on your own race and pace. Try to position yourself in the pre-start gathering with those of similar abilities and ambitions (ie:- view websites for results in previous races at that location and try to gauge where you want to be).


I don't think that you need to train on flatter routes. Hills of all degrees and lengths, together with routes on other terrain (woodland, fields etc) give you a variety - and as far as I am concerned - greater interest.


What I try to do before I take part in a race is to visit the location a few days/weeks beforehand and run some of the route. If nothing else, it gives me an idea of the gradients, landmarks etc. For me, it works every time. Whether it's psychological or not, I don't know.


I can recommend Barnsley 10k in early November for an 'undulating' combination of urban and rural ; Dewsbury in mid-February, not very scenic (unless you like looking at numerous kebab shops!), but a very fast course and Clumber in October which is very pleasant. All are well organised.


Good luck and if in the future should you take in the same event as me, I will guarantee that you will be wearing your medal and/or T-shirt before I do!

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Thanks for responses. Sheffield Forum is really a fantastic way of sharing experiences and getting advice like this. What is the usual cost of a 10K - Lincoln was £18 online application which seemed expensive but as it was my first i am not sure what to expect. Just found a great site walkjogrun.net which allows you to map running routes, save and share them online.

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