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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hi there,

I lived on Carr Forge Close form 1968 until 1989ish though my family lived there long before. I was at number 8, right next door to Pat Glossop, next door but one to Marrleen Harrison and next door but 3 to the Khans I think. I was friends with Sarah Khan. Had a fantastic time in Hackenthorpe. I think I remember the Piggotts by name but not face. Went to Rainbow Forge Infants and Carter Lodge Secondary-left there I think in 1985/6. Sister Julie and two brothers Bill/William and Alan. Sadly mum Connie died in 1976 when I was 7, dad also William died 2005 (bless him!) and Alan died age 53 in 2008. Feel like all my childhooh memories are in Hackenthorpe so if anybody wants to get in touch email- tracey2@mindless.com


Can anyone remember Mad Tony- cant think of street he lived on. Liked fires and would run for 10 miles to see one. Also the Lee family? Strange!!!

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By the way, I used to share my birthday cake with Sarah when I was at Rainbow Forge. If it was your birthday, you would get a cake. Could choose 1 friend to share it with, plus all the teachers in the staff room. I always chose Sarah. I remember she was a bit older than me though. I was gutted when you lot moved to Canada. I think we fought a lot though. Vaguely remember my mum storming round demanding that she be my friend when we fell out once! Wow! Can't beleive you are on here. Please fill in any gaps.

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just stumbled across this thread and wondered if anyone knew my mum & her sisters - my mum was Janis Myatt,

she used to live at the bottom of rainbow avenue, the house on the end before the entrance to the fields,

my grandad - doug used to be a regular at the hogs head

Just curious as to if anyone remembers them

Ta :]

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Hi Tracy,


Small world now isn't it. I do remember you and your family. Someone told me about your mother's death. I was so sorry as you were so young then. I found the Sheffield Forum quite by accident. It brings back lots of memories. We came to London, Ontario straight from Sheffield and have lived here ever since.

Syd and I have just celebrated our 44th wedding aniversary. Syd is now retired from General Motors but I am still working. I went to college here and became an Accountant.


Sarah went into teaching and is now a High School Principal. I will tell her about the Forum and your message.


I do visited Sheffield quite often as my parents and my younger sister still live there.

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Hi Baillie, I used to go to school with your brother David back in the 60's I also knew your mom amd dad very well, but lost contact when I joined the Army and only saw them occasionally whilst I was on leave, I have very fond memories of David and I growing up together and the pals we used to knock about with. If you are in touch with him mention Barry Glossop and could you tell him that John Gilliver died just before Christmas.


Many thanks Michelle




SORRY re John Gillivers passing I was in the same year as you lot,my name Martyn Miller,also a couple more names to remember, John Dunn,the Adlingtons David Holliday Glyn Furness John Smith good luck with the next 40 years

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  • 3 weeks later...

just wondered if anyone knew my mum, auntie, uncle, nan or grandad.


Colin and Eileen Corker parents of Andrea and Lynn Corker


my uncle lived a few doors down David Binney (his parents are Bill and Ev) dont really know much about his side of family.


they lived on Cotleigh Road

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi only just joind Ernest Bingham allso worked at keeton and sons on Greenland rd he was the convener there worked with my hubby Ken Antcliff,my uncle was Fred Lycett he was the manager your anut worked at Birly Spa school Inow were there cottage was could several times with my hubby. I have lived at Hachenthorpe since 1954 started of on Cotligh cresent still live there, I have spent 56 great years living here.

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