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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Anyone here lived on Carter Lodge Avenue from the mid 50's? I'm sure my dad (Robert Green) lived there from birth in 1950, of not his family moved there soon after as my uncle (Richard Green) was born in the house. There was also a sister (Wendy)


Not sure of the number (though 14 rings a bell) but it was at the opposite end to the junction with the main road (one with the shops on).


Sure they all would have attended Rainbow Forge too, I also remember my dad talking about a friend called Brian Humyard (think he lived on the main road on the left, down the hill from the shops just as it turns right).


yes ilived on carter lodge ave from 1953 to 1964 at number 23 i think the grreen family lived next door to the humphreys across the road. mr green drove a lorry which he used to park on the road. my name is mick ellison aged 61. i dont think the estate was built in 1950 as we moved in from new in1953 but the name green sticks in my mind as does the lorry

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes


Part 3


Gary Fordham's back garden on Carter Lodge Rise was the setting one Sunday when a group of us lads were hearkening to Gary telling us about the Stradbroke Arrows and dirt track speedway cycling. I think he had an elder brother who was into it too. Some time later Gary brought from out of the house a pair of old brown boxing gloves and we all took it in turns to play fight with each 'combatant' wearing one glove only. I felt somewhat intimidated by my 'sparring partner' who was bigger than me and I couldn't believe myself when I decked him. It wasn't supposed to happen, but I felt bloody good about it! I also vaguely remember Gary also getting out of the house an early day edition of the Parade magazine in black and white. The birds inside weren't showing very much but I do recollect that Charles Atlas was inside advertising the Bull Worker or chest expanders and he by the way was exposing more body than those Russ Meyer type models on the other pages!

P.S Strad-broke = a violin that's damaged or skint? Sorry!


Speaking of personalities I recall Mrs Varty the 'cat woman' who lived on Carter Lodge Place. A pal and I were in the house one purrfect day but cannot for the life of me rememberfor what reason but it wasn't anything bad or ducious. Anybody remember her? Meow, miaow, miaou.


Surely I wasn't the only kid who went each year down the fields and across the bridge then up the fields toward Woodhouse Fair and taking a short cut through one of the top fields and being chased by a big black bull. Seeing the Wooduss lads scrapping with those fairground lads was good entertainment. Anyone else go there?


There was a lad who I think lived in the lower part of Hackenthorpe and his name was Peter Shore (Shaw)who died in 1962-63ish. He possibly fell off the back of a motorbike on Birley Spa Lane(?) and I believe he may of been related to the singer Dave Berry (Grundy) who lived on Robin Lane in B8on. If Peter would have been alive today he would be 57 years old.


Does anybody have further info or connections to the above?

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes


Part 3


Gary Fordham's back garden on Carter Lodge Rise was the setting one Sunday when a group of us lads were hearkening to Gary telling us about the Stradbroke Arrows and dirt track speedway cycling. I think he had an elder brother who was into it too. Some time later Gary brought from out of the house a pair of old brown boxing gloves and we all took it in turns to play fight with each 'combatant' wearing one glove only. I felt somewhat intimidated by my 'sparring partner' who was bigger than me and I couldn't believe myself when I decked him. It wasn't supposed to happen, but I felt bloody good about it! I also vaguely remember Gary also getting out of the house an early day edition of the Parade magazine in black and white. The birds inside weren't showing very much but I do recollect that Charles Atlas was inside advertising the Bull Worker or chest expanders and he by the way was exposing more body than those Russ Meyer type models on the other pages!

P.S Strad-broke = a violin that's damaged or skint? Sorry!


Speaking of personalities I recall Mrs Varty the 'cat woman' who lived on Carter Lodge Place. A pal and I were in the house one purrfect day but cannot for the life of me rememberfor what reason but it wasn't anything bad or ducious. Anybody remember her? Meow, miaow, miaou.


Surely I wasn't the only kid who went each year down the fields and across the bridge then up the fields toward Woodhouse Fair and taking a short cut through one of the top fields and being chased by a big black bull. Seeing the Wooduss lads scrapping with those fairground lads was good entertainment. Anyone else go there?


There was a lad who I think lived in the lower part of Hackenthorpe and his name was Peter Shore (Shaw)who died in 1962-63ish. He possibly fell off the back of a motorbike on Birley Spa Lane(?) and I believe he may of been related to the singer Dave Berry (Grundy) who lived on Robin Lane in B8on. If Peter would have been alive today he would be 57 years old.


Does anybody have further info or connections to the above?


Peter Shaw was my husband's best mate he was 16 and a trainee motor mechanic when he had an accident on Birley Spa Lane, just below the shopping precinct and very close to his home, he was riding on the back of a motor scooter and one of the tyres had a blow out. This happened in April 1969/70 he is buried in City Road Cemetery and we visit his grave when we visit my husbands grandparents grave. Peter Shaw was Dave Berry's cousin. My husband is Pete Brown who used to live on Delves Drive

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Peter Shaw was my husband's best mate he was 16 and a trainee motor mechanic when he had an accident on Birley Spa Lane, just below the shopping precinct and very close to his home, he was riding on the back of a motor scooter and one of the tyres had a blow out. This happened in April 1969/70 he is buried in City Road Cemetery and we visit his grave when we visit my husbands grandparents grave. Peter Shaw was Dave Berry's cousin. My husband is Pete Brown who used to live on Delves Drive


does pete brown have a twin sister? if so i may have attended carter lodge school at the same time i think his sister may have been called pamela

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes


Part 3


Gary Fordham's back garden on Carter Lodge Rise was the setting one Sunday when a group of us lads were hearkening to Gary telling us about the Stradbroke Arrows and dirt track speedway cycling. I think he had an elder brother who was into it too. Some time later Gary brought from out of the house a pair of old brown boxing gloves and we all took it in turns to play fight with each 'combatant' wearing one glove only. I felt somewhat intimidated by my 'sparring partner' who was bigger than me and I couldn't believe myself when I decked him. It wasn't supposed to happen, but I felt bloody good about it! I also vaguely remember Gary also getting out of the house an early day edition of the Parade magazine in black and white. The birds inside weren't showing very much but I do recollect that Charles Atlas was inside advertising the Bull Worker or chest expanders and he by the way was exposing more body than those Russ Meyer type models on the other pages!

P.S Strad-broke = a violin that's damaged or skint? Sorry!


Speaking of personalities I recall Mrs Varty the 'cat woman' who lived on Carter Lodge Place. A pal and I were in the house one purrfect day but cannot for the life of me rememberfor what reason but it wasn't anything bad or ducious. Anybody remember her? Meow, miaow, miaou.


Surely I wasn't the only kid who went each year down the fields and across the bridge then up the fields toward Woodhouse Fair and taking a short cut through one of the top fields and being chased by a big black bull. Seeing the Wooduss lads scrapping with those fairground lads was good entertainment. Anyone else go there?


There was a lad who I think lived in the lower part of Hackenthorpe and his name was Peter Shore (Shaw)who died in 1962-63ish. He possibly fell off the back of a motorbike on Birley Spa Lane(?) and I believe he may of been related to the singer Dave Berry (Grundy) who lived on Robin Lane in B8on. If Peter would have been alive today he would be 57 years old.


Does anybody have further info or connections to the above?


I remember building a speedway bike, along with other mates to go with Gus to the cycle speedway track. It was situtated on the slag heap at the bottom of Lindley Lane at the time.

I made a bike from a small frame, 26" wheels with Gripper tyres. A fixed gear with small chain wheel and cowhorn handlebars. Does Peter remember coming down to our house on Delves Avenue one day while I was building it, I had got my finger stuck in the cog of my bike. I was in agony and had to go to the doctors and have my finger nail removed -ouch.


Your right about Gus's big brother he also had a speedway motorcycle in his shed with a JAP engine. He did race at Ollerton Stadium for a time.


The fair at woodhouse. I went up on the friday night with my first pay packet or what was left of it. I earned £2-19-6p. My mother took a chunk for my board and I blew the rest on the "speedway" ride. I then borowed all the rest back the following week for bus and lunch money.


I remember well when Peter Shaw died, It was very close to where he lived on Birley Spa Lane. I think he lived near Pauline Thexton. Did he come off Stephen Hamlet's scooter or was that another incident. I think everyone fell off the scooter at some point and with no helmet laws it was often catastrophic.


I also remember the cat woman, we were tormenting her one night, playing "Knock Down Ginger" untill she chased us off. We thought she was a witch with so many cats. Kids can be cruel.


Members of our "gang" were Paul Norton, David Payne, Stuart White. Paul Pixley, Jimmy Brown, Stuart Jackson, Screwy "Paul Driver" and others I can't remember oh and "Sam!!" used to tag along sometimes.

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Hi I lived there from 1955-75 on Delves Avenue I Remember Watkinsons the Craigs Floods (Me) Howards Kays Cousins Saxtons Across Road was Vaughns.

Only Burkes i remember was a policeman. My Brother was Bob Shirt and sisters were Wendy Shirt and Anita Flood she was married to Micheal Bulliment. I remember Susan Shaw she was A friend of my sister. Also remember Gary Fordham i went out with him for awhile he lived opposite a friend called Jane Eyre.

It was great how all the kids could just run about all day and just clock in for meals. Had Some great times there now live at Woodhouse not far away with my partner Ken Walton who used to live on Birley Spa Lane

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes


Part 4


Another thing we enjoyed was in the month of August when the cornfields were cropped and harvested and what seemed to be thousands of mice scampering about in the 'stubble' that was left and us lads would be scampering after them, try to catch them and then put them in the big chest pockets of our green (some grey) canvas like cagoules. The mice would be released within the next couple of days at home, in shops on Birley Spa Lane Parade, in school (screaming girls), on the bus, or and in the Rex fleapit. Looking back we should of left them at their combine harvester ravaged habitat but, alas us unenlightened kids didn't know any better. Who else joined in?


In those days there was Horseflies (Cleg, Gadfly), and these insects were dark red or brown in colour and were generally to be found on privet hedges on the estate. There seemed to be millions of them but I don't see them anymore and wonder if the environment killed them off, or have they flitted? There used to be loads of grey bugs that looked very much like armadillo's (looked armour plated) usually found under stones, bricks, wood etc. I also recall seeing lots of big black beetles and ear wigs en masse. Perhaps they were only unique to Hackenthorpe. (There was more then, than there is today).


I used to make a slit in a privet leaf and blew into it (can't explain in words, only in deed) and 'played a tune' or should I say created a high pitched squeak; I did the same with blades of grass (damn! why did I start this story?!). Remembered is also the dense hedge rows on the right hand side going down Brook Lane. There was masses of Ilex and Viscum Album and I would pick (cut off with penknife) plenty of these and take home at Noel tide for decorations. Mum liked that.


I was at Carter Lodge Secondary for about half a year or so in 1965 after successfully failing the 11 plus exams. Coming through the gates one day I walked along the path toward the main buildings, and on my left was a grass bank and beyond were some tennis courts and remarkably it was raining in one court but not in the other. I later wished that I would have had my dad's box camera with me because nobody believed me when I told them. I also recall those hard uncomfortable clogs (sabots) we had to wear for gardening lessons with Mr. Feinberg.

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