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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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My grandparents, Lil and John the Piggotts, lived on Delves Drive since the mid 60's, we (dad, mum and brothers) moved back in the early 80s after living in Rotherham and then Park Hill.


As I said earlier an Uncle still lives in my grandparents old house.


Hi sean I remember your dad being the caretaker I was a good friend of your cousins Craig Wiles

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I have read this thread with a lot of interest and recognise a few of the names from my time at Carter Lodge. I lived on Carr Forge Close from 1958 until I left Sheffield to join the Army in 1968, my father was the care taker at Rainbow forge until about 1970, his name was Steve Glossop. I knew David Payne, Rita Townsend but used to knock about with John Gilliver, Kev Butcher, John Cockayne, Robin Leake, Ian Burkinshaw, Neil Burgess "Birdie", Billy Brown, Pete Jackson, Jimmy Simpson etc, don't remember many of the lasses, Jean Cotham springs to mind, Barbara Starkey, Linda Grey. My name is Baz Glossop so if any one knows or remembers me say hello. My sister Pat still lives on Hackenthorpe as does my Brother Raymond.




hi i don’t know you but knew your mam and dad i lived across from them for many years at No 9 you may know my mum Liz Adlington

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We used to live in Hackenthorpe,on Carr Forge Close, from the late sixties until 1974, when we moved to Canada. Since then we have been living in London, Ontario.


My name is Hazel Khan and two of my children used to go to Rainbow Forge Infants school. What a great school that was.


I wonder if anyone remembers my family? I would love to hear from Marlene, who was my next door neighbour. She had two boys, John and Mark. Can't quite remember their surname, it might have been Higgins. They had a little jack russel terrier called Bandit. Does anyone know them?


her name is Harrison and she still lives there a family called Smith now live in your old house!

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Hi there,

I lived on Carr Forge Close form 1968 until 1989ish though my family lived there long before. I was at number 8, right next door to Pat Glossop, next door but one to Marrleen Harrison and next door but 3 to the Khans I think. I was friends with Sarah Khan. Had a fantastic time in Hackenthorpe. I think I remember the Piggotts by name but not face. Went to Rainbow Forge Infants and Carter Lodge Secondary-left there I think in 1985/6. Sister Julie and two brothers Bill/William and Alan. Sadly mum Connie died in 1976 when I was 7, dad also William died 2005 (bless him!) and Alan died age 53 in 2008. Feel like all my childhooh memories are in Hackenthorpe so if anybody wants to get in touch email- tracey2@mindless.com


Can anyone remember Mad Tony- cant think of street he lived on. Liked fires and would run for 10 miles to see one. Also the Lee family? Strange!!!


Hi tracey can you remember me? Neil Staniland from across the road at number 9 my mum and dad are liz and eric?

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Pigs Lane brings back so many memories it is funny to think as a young child we could walk up and down there with no fear, oh how times have changed.

I think when Ranbow Forge was replaced with houses Pigs Lane was lost.


No its still there its a black tarmac path now

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes Part 2


Favourite pastimes included, scrumping (on a grand scale), bird nesting, conkers - I once had a conk(qu)er 57 (we used to soak them in vinegar and then put them in a dark cupboard to harden over several months), throwing arrows, catapulting, pea shooting and bulrushing. Much of this happened down Brook Lane, Bluebell Wood, past the house with the cannon on the wall up to the Riding School at Mos'boro Top, Ridgeway, Ford, Hackenthorpe Village School, a church on the left on Sheffield Road towards Occupation Lane, and a slag heap down the fields at the back of Carr Forge Road and Rainbow Avenue.

In these fields was a house where a family lived and I believe they didn't have gas or electricity. Does anyone have any info about this?


Pigs Lane was mentioned in an earlier post by Lo Strider, I spent many hours in that vacinity and I too used to run downthe embankment from Rainbow Forge playing field to the other side of Pigs Lane up the bank, turned and ran back in the same tilt, wish I had a quid for every time I did that (might try it again soon). When I was at Rainbow Forge Infants we had one day an inter-schools sports day and during the activities like the sack race, egg and spoon race, obstickel race, fell in love for the very first time ever with a girl who was from Charnock School. The name of the girl was Lynn Hanson, I can clearly remember wanting to touch her blonde natural coloured hair that was done in ponytail fashion with a red ribbon and she also had a sweet looking faint line of lentigines across the middle of her nose. I never saw her again after that day. That was almost 50 years ago. Where are you now Lynn?


Remembered is also the years 1961, 62, 63, 64 when a group of us would be trying to cadge a penny or two for bonfire night from patrons going into the BLUe Bell boozer with minimal success, TIGHT SODS! It was a pity because each year we had tried so hard to make a really good Guy Fawkes look-alike. Might try again this year.

P.S Did Mr Howard ever sell fireworks? I seem to think that he did.


The family who lived in the house in the fields were called Gregory I think?? I dont know them but every time i walk them fields with my mum she tells me where Gregorys house was Mums name was Adlington now Staniland

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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes Part 2


and a slag heap down the fields at the back of Carr Forge Road and Rainbow Avenue.

In these fields was a house where a family lived and I believe they didn't have gas or electricity. Does anyone have any info about this?


Do you mean the house that stood on it's own halfway up the hill towards Woodhouse, just above the old pit? When I was little I was always told it was a witch who lived in that house - don't tell me it wasn't true.


If you knocked about in those fields you must remember the sewage works on the lane, Stone Lane, which ran from the pit towards Coisley Hill, and how the Shire Brook was always full of white foam on top of the water.God knows what was in that water.


I always remember in the summer how the fields behind Rainbow Avenue,and those going up the hill to Woodhouse always caught fire. It must have been those long summer droughts and a careless spark from a passing old codger with his pipe :hihi::hihi:




Edited by Tazz070299
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just reading threads Moosey i lived next door to craigs (Hazel) Remember Lol Craig once shaking my dads hand on new years eve and busting his thumb . Also remember going to Hatch at Hogs Head for a blackcurrant lolly and 10 NO6. Also Remember Jacqueline Howard And Micheal lived other side of me

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Hackenthorpe and Zakes


Part 9


Firstly, sorry folks Igave you false info in PART 4 about the rural science teacher at Carter Lodge School. I said Mr Feinburg but it was actually Mr 'Kernel' Loy, what a nut! Thanx to the three who jumped down my throat pointing out my 'crime'. You are all off my Xmas card list......Lol. (Swift to chide, slow to bless).


During my time 1959 - 65 in Hackenthorpe I had masses of friends but I never was with the same friend for long periods because people who get too close get to know your weaknesses so I used to change them around very often. At Birley Spa Juniors I spent time in and out of school with Nigel West brother of Trevor and they lived on Cotleigh Avenue or Drive the second house along and they had a crab apple tree in the back garden. I well remember us once mucking about with a load of mercury gained from a couple of thermometers. Then there was a spell knocking about with Gerald Dandy who was quite a comic. Gerald lived in the dead end of Carr Forge Mount, end house next to the jennel near to the Lee family who lived on t'other side of jennel. Gerald had two younger sisters and together had a pet tortoise (must be getting on now). I was dismayed when he told me that the family was to be moving to Milwaukee in Wisconsin USA. It didn't matter really because after all he did have strange shaped looking ears! The next best mate to desert me was Elaine Lawson, her family decided to move to Devon or Cornwall (Torquay rings a bell) which was disappointing because we had just started to teach each other how to kiss and playing doctors and nurses was next on the agenda, my agenda! Another good mate of mine was a left handed lad who was also a fast runner, Stephen George who had two elder sisters, Georgina and the eldest one might have been called Linda?? and they lived at 19, Carr Forge Mount. The colour of their door was red. One day in 1963-64 I found 2 half crowns wedged between the flagstones on the pathway in Carr Forge Mount which made me very rich for a week or so and I spent it on comics, lucky bags, sweets and Guards cigarettes, yes I started smoking aged 9. Years later, I thought the half crowns may have been the dinner money of some kid. I believe Martin Smith and Lorraine Barstow also lived on this cute cul-de-sac. Lorraine had cute sparse freckles upon her sweet face and she had an inviting kissable GOB!

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