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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hackenthorpe and Zakes


Part 10


Some names of persons from 1959-65 but I can't put a face or place to them. I believe these are persons from Hackenthorpe but some may not be (i've lived in various places):- Mr Revell, Mr Auger, Stutchfield, Derek Beeley, Glaves, Savage, Dinsdale, K. Firminger, Jimmy ? Sandford, Miss Marsden, Glynn Sills, Pixley, Lupton, Shemeld, Phipps, Peter Newton, Flinders, Zeidmolaar, Louise Baldwin, Peggy Billard, Andy or Philip Pretty, Robin Leake, Pete Gledhill, Ronald Watson. I have come across these people sometime in my life.

Do you know any of them?

When I lived in Birley I heard of a man from the Carr Forge area called Birks who fell down an escalator in London underground on the way to the '66 cup final. Any info on that?

Does anybody recall Mr and Mrs Watson who ran the Sportsman in Main Street and those infernal geese that stopped my mates and me from getting to nice big cooking apples?

Does anyone remember the Rag and Bone and any old iron man who used to dish out balloons to us young 'uns?

Or the bloke with that pedaling thing sharpening knives, garden shears and scissors?

Plus the mobile shop (not phones), Friday's on Carter Lodge Drive. I just loved the smell of the soil on the spuds. He might of left the soil on the taters to add extra weight (norty mester)!

I always enjoyed myself every November 6 going with a mate around the estate to see how many used fireworks we could find from the previous night's activities. We were really avid and it was a great way to pass the time and it was good exercise too. Anyone else do this strange pastime?

Stewart Sunderland's dad had a gold or mustard coloured VW Beetle that he managed to wrap around a gas lamp (street light) about 1964 at the junction of Carter Lodge Rise and Carter Lodge Avenue. Anyone remember?

Did anyone here knock at the neighbours and ask them for bottles to take back to the shops for a refund so you could buy sweets, ice cream, comix, Look and Learn magazines or entrance money to the Rex flix matinees etc? I also got pop bottles from the back of Elams on Birley Spa Lane and then take them round to the shop and get refunds on them, then repeated the act again.

Now that is definately called re-cycling (did that word didn't exist then)!

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In reply to you Zak I know a couple of the people you mention Ian Phipps used to live on Birley Spa Lane just down from the School also Robin Leake he used to live on Carr Forge Close, which is where I used to liv, he was a good mate and still lives on the Hackenthorpe behind the shops I think. Also remeber the Geese very well behind the Sportsman, noisy feckers they were but good guard "dogs" it surprises me how many people did the same things, we used to nick bottles from behind Elams and take them back as well, but he cottoned on in the end. We used to play around the shirebrook valley, and sometimes ventured to the Red Hills where there was a sewer pipe we used to go into and see how far we could go then run out shouting making a right noise. Nice to read your memories of Hackenthorpe Zake, very similar to my own.



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Mr Reville was a teacher at Carter Lodge, he took us for careers. Miss Marsden (I hate children) was our form teacher, 4th year boys 1968.

I remember the rag & bone man on his horse & cart & the knife sharpening man. He used to jack the back of the bike up, engage a drive belt to the rear wheel that drove a grinding wheel on ther back.

Olga flinders was in my class up to third year and her mum and dad used to run the youth club down Birley Spa in the Spa House.

The mobile shop was Rex's (big blue bus I think) He had a shop near Intake. I remember the smell of parafin and the kelly lamp which lit the van up at night and the muck on the spuds.The barber that used to wear a fedora hat that used to come to your house with his little suitcase. Hall's bus, another grocery van that did the rounds from Beighton.


"strange pastimes" -we used to "collect" the used hyperdermic syringes from the bins at the back of the doctors on main street and use them as water pistols. LOL

Winter warmers- tins with holes and a piece of wire as a handle, filled with hot coles and swung around & around to get them glowing.

Throwing Arrows - a piece of bamboo with playing cards for for flights and a nut on the end for weight (well, both ends in my case. LOL)

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Hackenthorpe and Zakes


Part 9


Firstly, sorry folks Igave you false info in PART 4 about the rural science teacher at Carter Lodge School. I said Mr Feinburg but it was actually Mr 'Kernel' Loy, what a nut! Thanx to the three who jumped down my throat pointing out my 'crime'. You are all off my Xmas card list......Lol. (Swift to chide, slow to bless).


During my time 1959 - 65 in Hackenthorpe I had masses of friends but I never was with the same friend for long periods because people who get too close get to know your weaknesses so I used to change them around very often. At Birley Spa Juniors I spent time in and out of school with Nigel West brother of Trevor and they lived on Cotleigh Avenue or Drive the second house along and they had a crab apple tree in the back garden. I well remember us once mucking about with a load of mercury gained from a couple of thermometers. Then there was a spell knocking about with Gerald Dandy who was quite a comic. Gerald lived in the dead end of Carr Forge Mount, end house next to the jennel near to the Lee family who lived on t'other side of jennel. Gerald had two younger sisters and together had a pet tortoise (must be getting on now). I was dismayed when he told me that the family was to be moving to Milwaukee in Wisconsin USA. It didn't matter really because after all he did have strange shaped looking ears! The next best mate to desert me was Elaine Lawson, her family decided to move to Devon or Cornwall (Torquay rings a bell) which was disappointing because we had just started to teach each other how to kiss and playing doctors and nurses was next on the agenda, my agenda! Another good mate of mine was a left handed lad who was also a fast runner, Stephen George who had two elder sisters, Georgina and the eldest one might have been called Linda?? and they lived at 19, Carr Forge Mount. The colour of their door was red. One day in 1963-64 I found 2 half crowns wedged between the flagstones on the pathway in Carr Forge Mount which made me very rich for a week or so and I spent it on comics, lucky bags, sweets and Guards cigarettes, yes I started smoking aged 9. Years later, I thought the half crowns may have been the dinner money of some kid. I believe Martin Smith and Lorraine Barstow also lived on this cute cul-de-sac. Lorraine had cute sparse freckles upon her sweet face and she had an inviting kissable GOB!

i remember a lorraine barstow she used to live across the road from us on spa brook drive , scowerden farm estate in the 60s

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Hi, sorry I cant visualise you but I remember the name. I also remember the Leakes, Robin was in my class as was Jimmy? Weston.


See if you or your sisters can recall anyone on here.


Carter Lodge 1968


you must remember my brother who lived on spa brook drive in the 60s and went to carter lodge.... i am sure he is the one on your photograph at the back left with dark hair his name is mick deighton, he had a older sister lynda and a middle one pat.... look forward to your reply

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you must remember my brother who lived on spa brook drive in the 60s and went to carter lodge.... i am sure he is the one on your photograph at the back left with dark hair his name is mick deighton, he had a older sister lynda and a middle one pat.... look forward to your reply



nothing to do with hackenthorpe i think but i was just thinking about something from the late 40s it was this can anybody remember a small fishing pond around the area if i think birley bottom, i think it was sanderson newbolds pond, it was the first and only time we went and we only had one 11ft rod between three of us my dad my uncle and me, to say it was a **** up from start to finish, dad had been told of the fish that had been caught including a pike, as he said, that was as long as a fireguard, also the bait was paste so dad asked mum to make us some so she got the panshion out and mixedsome paste we had enough for 200 trips

Edited by willybite
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  • 1 month later...
Anybody know if Pigs Lane is still there? It was a dirt track that ran from Birley Spa Lane up to Main Street, it went past the old Rainbow Forge Junior School playing fields.


pigs lane is still there, alhough its been tarmac'd for yrs now. my dad lives in flats nxt to it.:)

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