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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hackenthorpe And Zakes. Part 13.


Here are some scraps left from my Hackenthorpe da(ys)ze.


1. Call me crazy and you could be right. I recently came to Hackenthorpe again to go down 'Memory Lane' (but I couldn't find it). I made my way to Spa View Way and then to Spa View Terrace, and walked along them. Why? You don't know? Well, i'll tell ya. These addresses were the last two I had yet to set foot on from the original red brick council (corporation) house estates in Sheffield 12. "Big deal, Wilbur" I hear you say, but it's an achievement. Hard to believe, but true!

2. In which year(s) were Scowerdon and Weakland estates built? Exact year please.

3. Where was the cobbler situated in the 60's in Hackenthorpe?

4. Has anyone heard of Hackley FC? Hack(enthorpe)-(Bir)ley - please give info. Where did they play their home games?

5. Circa 1963-64 in Main Street there was a black stone brick house or hall with the roof caved in and two outer walls knocked down with the bricks inside on the floor. We young 'uns thought a wicked witch lived in it making us nervously cautious. Next to this house was a small green lane-let with two or three small but bushy trees, and in one of the trees nested an albino blackbird! All of this was roughly opposite The Sportsman pub. Any info. please.

6. Anybody remember putting playing cards, or other bits of card between the spokes of their bikes to make the clicking noise, to let everybody know you were out and about?

7. Recently walking up to the top of Brook Lane I looked over Sheffield Road. To the left and outside Inkersall House are two massive pine like trees, they are sheer beauty, I remeber them from when I was a lad. Have you seen them?

8. If you walk from Inkersall House towards Beighton Road, and look over the wall about 50 yards before Main Street, you will see a 10ft by 10ft square of ivy covering a building, what is that building? It's about 10 yards over the wall.

9. To OurLass82, is the John Hatch you speak (type) of, the one who lived on Carter Lodge Walk? There were the Hatch brothers (John, Mick, Brian)? there, and their back garden backed on to the playing field at the end of Carter Lodge Drive.

10. Know any of these families? 60's.

Carter Lodge Avenue- Fairfax, Polland, Gledhill, Ludlam, Harrison, Drabble, Fairey, Wilson, Mallinson, Glossop.

Carter Lodge Rise - Sunderland, Gudgeon, Fordham, Coulson

Carr Forge Mount - Smith, George, Dandy

Cotleigh Close - Sykes (Jean)

Cotleigh Avenue - Zuidmuldar, Flinders (possible distant relatives of mine)

Carter Lodge Drive - Muscroft, Baggley, Guy, Hodgson, Clifford, Pearson

11. When it came to scromping I was highly successful, although I sometimes got caught. If I targeted fruit, I would get my hands on it every time. Whether I would be taking it home or not was another matter. Lol. There was only one place in my scromping days where I didn't get to touch the fruit, and that was at The Sportsman pub that was run by Mr and Mrs Watson at the time. The Watsons had a gaggle of geese that were ever alert. I must have tried at least a dozen times to get my hands on some juicy looking cooking apples over the wall behind the pub. Why couldn't they have been a bloody skein of geese?! Damned trunting things!!!

12. When us lads played football on that field at the end of Carter Lodge Drive in the early 60's, we would take turns to badger our dads to buy a new football (plastic). When it was my turn I would get a ball pretty sharpish (anything to keep me quiet). The cost of the ball would be deducted from my spending (pocket) money for the next few weeks until it was paid for. This meant less spice from the mobile shop on Fridays and less comics from Elams, drat!


When I wanted my mates to come out to play football at weekends, I didn't have to trek up or down their paths to knock on their doors. I didn't have to phone or use walkie talkies, nor did I have to send carrier pigeons. I would simply walk along Carter Lodge Avenue, down Carter Lodge Rise and along Carter Lodge Drive all the while bouncing the ball. Bouncing the ball on the road made a dull sound and was quite useless, it was bes tot bounce it on the flagstoned paths because that made a load hollow (echoy) sound and that worked a treat. It was like a type of mating call. I sometimes felt like the bloody pied piper aus Hameln.

Lads would also come from lower down on the estate too. People like S.White, P.Norton, T.Locke, J.COckayne, Ago(go-go) etc. They didn't hear the ball bouncing, they probably remembered what times we usually played.

13. Anyone remember - Inspector Proby, Sargeant Raisen - one eye, blank one?


My best leisure times in childhood were without doubt in Hackenthorpe.





Number 9.....Re, John, Mick and Brian.... John is now my father-in-law and a grandad, i'm with his son John Hatch Jn, Brian lives at hillsborough now, Mick still lives local and John and Olga live on Rainbow Av...

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Message for carlie167.I remember taffy,was one of my dads mates in the plover.always had good laugh with taffy.was in his football team in the seventies.Sunday sports league. Didn't he used to have the bookies by the plover.real comedian taffy him and dad had me in stitches doing the tote Sunday nights.(very dodgy)lol.still think about him and dad now and again,loved him to bits.won't give dads name away just yet, but you would know him as COMIC.

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anyone remember my dad, Taffy, he used to drink in the Plover, and had something to do with the Sunday football team, also the fishing club


I know this is an old link CARLIE but I posted a reply to the above. It's further on but still connected to the same thread.

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jonboy50. i think i know you and your dad . did you use to live near london rd .you will not remember me but i used to be good mates with your youngest brother . i also remember your 2 other brothers and your mam . comic was well named .


Ey up hackie lad, that's probably our Mick your on about. He's still living that way, down beighton.not on abbey dale rd any more .living down south in Essex. Nice to get a reply from someone though, wished I'd seen this sight years ago.

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Ey up hackie lad, that's probably our Mick your on about. He's still living that way, down beighton.not on abbey dale rd any more .living down south in Essex. Nice to get a reply from someone though, wished I'd seen this sight years ago.


yes your mick .dont see much of him now .take care darn sarf :|:|

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