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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hi Andrew, this is Ira Jackson, I used to live opposite you on Cotleigh Avenue and Bill and I used to hang about together. I now live in Sutton Coldfield,and, strangely, someone gave me Bills tel. no. very recently. I've been meaning to phone him but I travel a lot and havent got around to it. Give him my regards next time you speak to him and I will phone him with a view to meeting up some time in the near future.


Andrew Burdett-hello.


We played together a lot as kids. You might say we were Good mates. Good to hear that you are well. I live in Sheffield with the family. My folks have gone now. I remember your mum very well.She was always kind and friendly.

look after yourself.

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I was brought up in Hackenthorpe in the 1970s. I attended Birley Spa infants and Juniors and lived on Springwater Drive. My mum( Mrs Joyce Gray)was well known around the area, being a keen churchgoer at the Methodist church on Spa View Road.She worked as a CCA at the Hackenthorpe Village School and seemed to know everybody.

Hackenthorpe was a wonderful place to grow up. Me and my mates played football on the field on Spa View and golf on the catholic school fields. We used to arrange epic football matches against lads from Carter Lodge which went on for hours.


I remember Mr Garlick and Mr Millett's shops and the Ealams newsagents down on Birley Spa Lane. A lovely man called Mr Cooper worked there.Does anyone remember life in the 1970s? in Hacky?

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I was brought up on Hackenthorpe, im 24.

My Nan and Grandad, Alan and Janet Hayes moved to Cotleigh Crescent in the 60's and had three kids Jayne, Mark and Julie Hayes who all went to Carter Lodge, Jayne is my mum and she runs the Golden Plover now.

My Grandad used to love playing darts and often frequented the Hogshead etc

Im going to show them this post to see if they recognise any names, I love things like this and often wish i had grown up in the 60's, 70's and 80's as it just seemed to much more innocent and like many of you have said respect was had which is distinctly lacking these days :/

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:P:P:P:P:rolleyes::rolleyes:Hello Linda, this is Andrew Burdett Bill,s little brother. I remember you well as a lovely girl when you were with Bill. Both my mum and dad have very sadly passed away now and Bill is living in a flat on Cotleigh Crescent. You can find him in the Sportsman any lunchtime. My sister Julie lives in Killamarsh with her husband Dennis and I now live in a village called Great Coates just outside of Grimsby with my wife we have been married 9 years now. It would be lovely to hear from you Linda. Hope you are well. Sadly we also lost Jo my neice 3 years ago to a brain haemorraghe. It would be really nice to hear from you and where you,re at in your life.


Hello Andrew,

You might not remember me, but my name is Tom Porter, and I knew Bill very well. I used to knock about with Michael Jackson (lived opposite you). I seem to recall that your dad was in the scrap business and he wore a trilby. Did he have a Ford Zodiac at one time? I knew your Julie very well, as we went on the same bus to schools at Chesterfield. I think she went to St. Helena's, and I went to Tapton House. I worked with Dennis Barnes, her husband, for a good number of years at Bramah's in Halfway. Remember me to all of them when you are next in touch.





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Hi Andrew, this is Ira Jackson, I used to live opposite you on Cotleigh Avenue and Bill and I used to hang about together. I now live in Sutton Coldfield,and, strangely, someone gave me Bills tel. no. very recently. I've been meaning to phone him but I travel a lot and havent got around to it. Give him my regards next time you speak to him and I will phone him with a view to meeting up some time in the near future.


What a small world, Ira! Don't know if you'll remember me, but I used to knock around with your Michael and frequented your house quite a lot. Was quite devastated when he died. My name is Tom Porter. I remember you quite vividly, and Roger, but Marie was just a baby then (I notice she's posting on the forum as well). Michael gave me a little red diode (cat's whisker) radio, which I treasured for many years after. Good days back then, eh! Remember me to Roger if you're in touch at some point.





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What a small world, Ira! Don't know if you'll remember me, but I used to knock around with your Michael and frequented your house quite a lot. Was quite devastated when he died. My name is Tom Porter. I remember you quite vividly, and Roger, but Marie was just a baby then (I notice she's posting on the forum as well). Michael gave me a little red diode (cat's whisker) radio, which I treasured for many years after. Good days back then, eh! Remember me to Roger if you're in touch at some point.






Hello Tom,

I'm the baby of the Jackson family ! ( i'm 54 now !) I was with Ira a couple of weeks ago, we're both well but unfortunately, neither of us has heard from Roger for a number of years. Last time i saw him, my son was 4, that was 20 years ago, he's never met my 11 year old daughter. I've tried to keep in touch but he doesn't respond to me, i did hear that he might have moved from Sheffield but the only address i have for him is at Halfway which is where he was living last time i saw him. I think Ira has seen him more recently at family funerals but again, he doesn's seem to want to stay in touch. Don't know if anyone on this forum still sees him ?




Marie x

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Hello Tom,

I'm the baby of the Jackson family ! ( i'm 54 now !) I was with Ira a couple of weeks ago, we're both well but unfortunately, neither of us has heard from Roger for a number of years. Last time i saw him, my son was 4, that was 20 years ago, he's never met my 11 year old daughter. I've tried to keep in touch but he doesn't respond to me, i did hear that he might have moved from Sheffield but the only address i have for him is at Halfway which is where he was living last time i saw him. I think Ira has seen him more recently at family funerals but again, he doesn's seem to want to stay in touch. Don't know if anyone on this forum still sees him ?




Marie x



Hi Marie,

Good to hear from you. You won't remember me, as you were only two when I stopped coming to your house (when Michael died). I knew all three of your brothers, and it must be going on 50 years since I saw Ira (I'm 67 now). I used to bump into Roger every now and again, and the last time I saw him, which is some years ago, he was living at Halfway.





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I grew up in Hacky on Delves Place. Born there in 1961 and left for southern climes in 1973. The kids I remember on Delves Place were Richard and Robert Hutton, Philip Cotterill, Tony Grayson, Richard Brunt, Geoff Cooper, Janette, Christine and Beverly Cooper. Up the gennel were the Frosts, Carol, Marie and Steven. My God they must all be in their 50's or thereabouts by now. Wonder what happened to them all. On Delves Rd there were the Ollerenshaws, Andy Fox, the Haigh clan (loads of them) and others who I can no longer remember. What I can remember was although by the standards of today we were all poor (can only remember 2 car owners in the 60's) it always seemed a wonderful place to be. A place of adventure for us kids with the old derelict houses, blue bell wood, the playing fields at the end of Delves Place where the gala was held and the swings and slide opposite Rainbow Forge. God I wish I could go back.

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you must remember my brother who lived on spa brook drive in the 60s and went to carter lodge.... i am sure he is the one on your photograph at the back left with dark hair his name is mick deighton, he had a older sister lynda and a middle one pat.... look forward to your reply


Some names I recognise in the picture are: Grahame Brough, John Ellis, Steve Betsworth,John Ellison, Peter Fey, John Dunn, could be Paul Walker in there and names I've forgotten


Does anyone remember the Blackwells; Kevin, Mick, Neil & Wendy, they went to Westfield School, I think they lived on Delves

Edited by Steve55
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