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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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I went to have a look at Rainbow Way and Rainbow Ave. about two years ago. I couldn't believe how the fields behind Rainbow ave. have changed. When we used to play there ,you could see the old pit. We use to play on the bridge at the bottom of the pit steps. You wouldn't even know it was there now.

I too would love to go and look around my old home on Rainbow Way ... happy days indeed.


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Hi yes we lived opposite and spent a lot of our childhood there too, sadly another family now live where we used to and i sometimes feel the urge to go and knock on the door and ask if i can pop in, but it must have changed a lot now! you will remember my sisters too Jean, Linda and Ann.


Yes I do remember.


Oh what happy days they were.


I should have included the name O'Connor in with the Downend, Spotswood & Lunney families. Sorry Julie.


I have a faint recollection of some of us being down in the 'woods' as we referred to the trees at the bottom of the slag heap. Julie's brother Kevin fell out of a tree and I think, broke his arm.


Then again, my memory is not what it used to be. :confused:

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I Lived on Carr Forge Road had a Brother Dougie Chamberlain

and I married Tony Maris off Carr Forge Lane :rant: left years ago and was barred from Blue Bell at 16 for dancing on table LOL


Is Dougie 68? His name rings a bell and I think he may have been in my class at Carter Lodge.


Remember when they cut the corn and we used to make dens with it ooh what fun


Oh I do remember.

I'm just sorry my grandchildren can't experience the freedom we did.

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Yes Dougie would have been 68 and was at Carter Lodge but he died aged 45

from working on power stations (asbestos)


Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.


It's so sad to hear of someone dying so young. Life can be so unfair sometimes.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Hackenthorpe and Zakes. Part 14


Hello Marie, I read with interest your memories and hope you have more to tell. It must have been a difficult time for you during your ninth year lady, with the loss of your dad and also moving home. I believe you must have lived in the third house along Cotleigh Avenue and shared the same path with the West's.


(A). The youngest West was Nigel who used to be in my class at Birley Spa Juniors and we spent loads of time together after school and at weekends. I remember the West's had a crab apple tree in their back garden (the tree nearest to the house). One early evening Nigel and me picked a reight load of them little hard apples and went around the Cotleigh area with a lad called Alan Fox, using people's doors and windows for target practice, then run off. We eventually got caught by a bloke on Cotleigh Close, Alan escaped but Nigel and me received a clip apiece around the ear.

On occasion in the West's household Nigel and me played with two thermometers which we eventually snapped open and poured the quicksilver onto the table and prodded it about and watched it's strange movement. We didn't realise the dangers then, we were only 9-10 years old, 1963-64.

I knew Nigel's big brother Trevor too. Nigel and Trevor once told me that their other neighbour (end house) was an old woman and if anyone knocked on her door she would speak to them through the letter box (flap), and if she wasn't happy she would point a rifle through the flap. I don't know if it was true or if they were trying to scare me.


(B) I had a girlfriend (started early) at Birley Spa Juniors who also moved down Torquay way about 1964ish and her name was Elaine Lawson. I must admit I had a roving eye(s) in those days (what's new?) and was in 'love' with loads of girls about that time including Kay Osborne, Jean Sykes, Julie Webster, Julie Guy, Barbara Allen, Jean Cottam, Peggy Billard,Lorraine Barstow, Susan Burgin, twins Barbara and Frances who lived on Cotleigh Place, and a platinum blonde called Sylvia who was about 12-15 years older than me, and lived on Carr Forge Road (up from bottom of Carter Lodge Rise) and I can still smell the strong perfume she wore.


© Did you know the George family who lived at 19 Carr Forge Mount? Their son Stephen was also a big mate of mine in the juniors, and I also adored his two big sisters Georgina and Linda. (Found out recently that Stephen had died some years ago).


(D) Mrs Varty had a piano in her lounge, but no sign of a broomstick tho!


(E) My family lived on Carter LOdge Drive and flitted in 1965 to the Victor Hallam houses at Newstead, Birley.


Zakes XX.



Hi Zakes


This is Jean Cottam as was. Saw your note and was intrigued to know what your correct name was. I also had the thread passed on by Baz (Le Baron) also wondering who you were??

Very flattering to think at least two people 'fancied' me (his words not mine).

I have very fond memories of life at Hackenthorpe even though I only lived there for approx 2 years. Grew up a lot during that time! Funilly enough we moved to Vic Hallam houses as well but they were at Guildford Drive, Norfolk Park.


Happy Days :)

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