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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hi Memari,


I was good friends with Mick Hall and Billy Brown, especially Billy who I knocked about with quite a lot, we would always be together most days, until we fell out, over what I don't know. I joined the Army in '68 and not seen Billy since. Met Mick once or twice since, he used to play in a band, saw him at Hacky Club one evening. Who are you?.


Baz Glossop

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Come on Zakes, when is your next installment, you have me hooked now. Still can't work out who you are though !! Le Baron, were you in the same class at Carter Lodge as the rest of us?, cant place you, some memories clear as a bell, and some a bit raggy around the edges.

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I'm with you Mamarie - intrigued to find out who Zakes is as he's mentioned being

'in love' with me in one of his threads.

I remember Le Baron (Barry Glossop) very well and quite a few names have cropped up over the years that I recall. However, my memory is also sketchy.

I remember Frank Naiseby who was in a Carter Lodge photo posted a while ago and John Cockayne whose name keeps cropping.

Zakes must have a fantastic memory or have kept diaries which he refers to (wish I'd had the dicipline to do that). The names I recall are Wendy Blackwell, Janice Foulston, Maureen Teasdale, Bonita Glover (her mother was the reason my mum made us move), ? Constantine (think it was Steven), Nina & Lorraine Weiteska (their father was Polish).

Well remember playing in the cornfields and, yes Baz/Zakes I think we probably did do a lot of 'manking' - though don't know how serious it would have been considering we were only about 11 years old. I think you Derbyshire lads were a bit forward in that respect compared to the Sheffield ones.


Lots of happy days:).

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 15.


Hello Jean Cottam (as was), pity for me and Le Baron that it’s not (as is). I’ve slung my memory back to those salad days of early to mid 60’s and hope I’ve got the right person otherwise I’ll hang my 58 years old head in shame. If I (30.3.54) happen to be younger than you then it’s important for you to know I have always been into the older type. If I’m older then that’s okay because I love the younger type too.


Jean Cottam, Cotty to her friends if I remember had strong almost shoulder length hair that was light sandy in colour. On one occasion when I saw you there had been a rain shower which had slightly darkened your hair to the colour of the honeycomb inside a Crunchie Bar, after one had bitten into it. It looked fabulous and I bet there was a rainbow in the sky because I remember the sun was out. It may come as a surprise to you but all those years ago Crunchie was my big fave choccy bar. You were a little taller than me and you were slim (most girls were then), and most of the time when I saw you you were surrounded by others because of your goods looks and magnetic personality. Peggy Billard was another tall lass who you probably knew, but lets just concentrate on you.


Many of the other children called you Cotty which isn’t a bad thing because people called by a shortened version of their name or a nickname are usually well liked persons. The time to worry is when people start to call you, oi, it or that! Lol. When I dreamt or when I spoke with you it was always Jean as I had a big respect for you and your presence. Bet Le Baron’s cringing with clenched fists at this. Lol.


I used to see you at the playground up that long jennel at the side of Rainbow Forge Junior School. If you were with a few people I wouldn’t bother coming over because I really wanted you alone for myself. I did catch you on your own a pair of times which got my heart beating like mad. I had the near crazy idea to smell at your hair then steal a kiss, but was in fear of refusal and the thought that you wouldn’t like me anymore. We got on quite well but we only came across each other about a dozen times, if that.


I can assure you Lady Jean, you had a damned sight more admirers (fanciers) than the two mentioned. All you girls had the most mellifluous natural scent in those days and the good thing is I have an extremely long memory. I prefer not to give my real name because this thread would get clogged up with posts from people saying what a nice lovely boy I was, but with loads of cheek and that I made Disney work very hard for his wages. In reality I’m quite shy and prefer to shun the limelight, even in a playground alone with the girl of my choice.


I have written a few other stories about my Hackenthorpe daze on another thread, with names. ‘Nah then folks, during the 60’s’ – Zakes. I have mentioned my name on the thread at least 4 times, but in a very obscure way.


Best wishes to you and your family, Lady Jean.


Zakes (Just a dreamer in a low profile) xxx.


Extra – There are photos of me from about that time on another thread. ‘Remember Birley School in the 60’s?’ post 134, just click. Don’t be fooled by the instant innocence, look into the eyes for 15 – 20 seconds then you will see determination. I will be putting more photos on in July/August when I come over from Beijing. The pics are at a relative’s home.

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I went out with the most drop dead gorgeous bloke in Hackenthorpe. Lived on Jermyn Crescent in the 70s.


Bet it was my mate Tom Smedley all the girls were after him . He said there were that many he used to have to knock them off with a stick :hihi::hihi:

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Memari, I think you were a year above me at Carter Lodge, Billy Brown and Mick hall were, do you also know of Neil Burgess, (Birdie), and Pete Jackson. I had a fight with Billy Brown either on the spare land at the side of school or behind Jacksons on main street, which I won, I was training to box at croft house at the time.


Zakes I can't place you at all, however I didn't realise I had a love rival or two for Jeans affections, she was always part of the "gang" where we hung out at the Park (KRAP) as we called it, down canns bottom and on one or two occasions in her living room at home. A lovely lass and I remember her with affection.



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A very poor Photo, and the only one I have from my school days.

From L - R John Cockayne Baz Ian Phipps, this was tkaen at Fox house circa 1966/67, but I don't remember by who.





PS you may have to enlarge in a pic viewer LOL

Edited by Le Baron
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