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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hi Memari,

We used to go Kevs house in our lunch breaks from from school, Carter Lodge, and have a tin of soup or sommat, spent our dinner money on cigs (wish I'd never started now),

you must also know Pete Jackson, he played guitar in a group, my father once took them to Derby for a Gig, you were a year above me at school but I knew a lot of the lads, not so much the girlies in your year.


All the best




Hi Baz and Memari, I'm sure it was Birdy who went out with Kath and we used to sing Kathy's Clown to him lol. I also remember a girl called Vivienne Atkinson but she went to Thornbridge so I've no idea how I met her. Oh I have such happy memories of my time with you all even though I only lived there for such a short time.

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Yeah same family, they used to live on carr forge close before moving house somewhere near the plover, I'll always remember their tortoise and the german shepherd they had in the 60's, I was scared stiff of thet dog. Is neil still living on the hackenthorpe?/



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Hi Le Baron just to "Hark back" to your comment about smoking. I gave up about ten years ago, best thing ever done. My Granddaughter said my clothes smelt, how bad did that make me feel!!! The money i used to spend on them was saved, and after the first year, had a weeks holiday with friends, we went to Morocco, and just about to go to the States to visit my brother in a few weeks. Give it a go, as it is Stoptober, this month!!

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Hello, I'm new to the forum and have just found this about Hackenthorpe. I know the chat started a long time ago but maybe somebody is still out there listening. I lived on Jermyn Avenue in the 60's and went to the infant, primary and grammar school at Birley Moor. The English teacher at the primary school was called Mr Mitchell. My best friend was called Linda Coupe. She could do the best bee-hive hair style you would ever see!

Our house backed onto fields (I think they have been built on now) . My brother, me and his two friends used to play down there, build dens and play in the stream. We also went to the Roxy(?) cinema. Me and 3 boys!! Got some funny looks. KayT

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Memari Laine, did you know Kev allen at all? he lived just up the road from Rita Townsend. Remembered a few more names from school days, Dave Roberts, barbara starkey, Jane Gray, Nev Elgie, Roy Adlington, George Clarke.


Roy Adlington still lives at Hackenthorpe

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Hi Nanny,


I used to be pals with tony when we were kids, he was older than me and I remember we went to Birley School. Was he once married to Julie Leake? I always used to buy his father a pint in the Hacky Club when I was home on leave, we sort of lost touch when I joined up in 68. The last I heard of Roy he was living on the Badger estate at Wodhouse. Remember me to Tony.


Baz Glossop - ex Carr Forge Close.

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