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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 20.


(1). Ref. post 41 (you got the right bus nr. Mate) by Scout. on this thread.

God Almighty! How did cousin Lynne manage to reach schooling age with her parents having a surname like that?!! Lol.


(2). Ref. post 86 by Tazz 070299. on this thread.

There was a family on the estatein the early 60’s called Pigott(pie-got). Perhaps you meant them. Sorry I don’t know the address, but there was definitely a family called Pigott. There was a lad called Keith Pigott I think, in his early 60’s nah.


(3). I enjoyed scrimping in the orchard behind and to the side of the Village School. Looking at the school and the area directly around it I often imagined it to be populated with dwarfs (dwaves),elfinic elfs and gobblin’ goblins, it was like fairyland. It was easy for me to visualize in an envisaging way, to envision these spiritely creatures to be happily passing the time of day in the rich undergrowth and the holly and hawthorn hedges. If and when the sunny sun gave way to the rainy rain, I would imagine the fairyland residents seeking refuge underneath gaudily coloured mushrooms with white dots on top. There would also be the occasional tawdry toadstool where frogs could sit atop.


I never raided this orchard by daylight because it didn’t offer enough cover for scrompers, plus it would have been extremely rude to disturb the peaceful peace of the picture book setting. The trees in the orchard offered redder than red sweet tasting apples, and it was a bonus that the trees were very small, almost bonsai like, meaning they didn’t have to be climbed by leg or by ladder. The trees if one recalls were planted in long straight rows like the trees are in Belgium. I once had a full set of Belgium stamps and each had a different price and a different colour. Unfortunately they all had the same picture of a man’s head, and he wore Cliff Michelmore type specs.


If I would have been sent for my education to this small scenic school I would have not objected. However, because of my mischievous ways I would surely have been punished in a physical way. There was no way I would have allowed a woman teacher to thrash me. If I did, I would have felt like a reight Burke.



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Thanks for the memories Zakesy, Gus Wilson was my older brothers best mate and yes, we all wore the 'puffy green' of Thornbridge. I was devastated to hear that you 'deliberately' failed the 11 plus at Birley Spa Juniors, just think of what you could have made of your life with a proper education. And I hope this doesn't hurt too much but . . . we did play football at Thornbridge. And I was damn good at it too. And we played that other game, the game they play in heaven, Rugby Union, the greatest game on earth.

We lived on Birley Spa Lane near the Hogs Head, however most of the names bandied around on this site I've never heard of, but I do enjoy your literary ramblings around Hackenthorpe and as I said very early on in this thread, we are all from Sheffield, so whether you like it or not, you're me bruther.

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 18.


Another installment.


1. It has been relayed to me on another thread, “Nah then folks, during the 60’s”, that Stuart White died in December 2011. Thanks for letting me know LEXIKIA. Stuart and I became pally in the early 60’s when he came up from Rainbow to play togger with us most weekends. I think he was a year older than me and he used to knock about with Paul Norton, Alan Burke, David Payne etc. SLEEP PEACEFULLY DEAR FRIEND.


2. I remember the name Miss Hardwick. Who was she? – school.


3. Trevor West was the elder brother of one of my school pals Nigel West, and they lived at 45 Cotleigh Avenue. Trevor once climbed up a pylon to attach a swing rope (rope swing) but ended up haif burning himsen to a frazzle, then he fell to the ground. Does anyone remember when that was?


4. Danny Spokes was one of my pals of the term at Birley Spa Junior School. Danny was a good hearted lad, but I often got him worked up when I repeatedly recited a ditty to him:-


Dan Dan the dirty old man

Kissed a girl and away he ran

He combed her hair

With a three legged chair

Dan Dan the dirty old man.


5. Bird nesting or birds egg collecting was one of my hobbies. I will write at a later date more in depth about it, but one thing though… One day a lad climbed up the massive slag heap behind Rainbow Avenue trying to get to a Sparrowhawk nest. The story goes he put his hand into the hole but the ‘mother was on’ (female bird sat on the nest). The result was the lad’s hand got a severe pecking making him slide all the way down the shaly slag heap, landing with a bang injuring himself quite badly. Who was he? It was the talk of the estate at the time, 1963-64 ish.


6. I never had a diary because if I had done wrong the information inside could and would have been used against me. It was never my intention in life to help people like (Walt) Disney and (Albert) Spears! Lol.


7. Who was Miss Cadman? – school.

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To all on the "Hackenthorpe" site, as it is very close to Christmas, anyone in school plays at carter lodge, or had a favourite Carol, or xmas break from school ? One of my favourite memories is coming in from school, deep in snow, freezing cold, and having stew and dumplings for tea, yum! It always seemed to me that Mum must have been up practically all night preparing loads of stuff for Xmas dinner, we did not used to get a lot, in the way of "Stuff" but we got a great xmas all the same.


Memarie Laine.

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To all on the "Hackenthorpe" site, as it is very close to Christmas, anyone in school plays at carter lodge, or had a favourite Carol, or xmas break from school ? One of my favourite memories is coming in from school, deep in snow, freezing cold, and having stew and dumplings for tea, yum! It always seemed to me that Mum must have been up practically all night preparing loads of stuff for Xmas dinner, we did not used to get a lot, in the way of "Stuff" but we got a great xmas all the same.


Memarie Laine.


Hi Memarie not sure how old you are (I'm 54), but I remember going to school in thick snow & yes stew and dumplings was a great favourite of mine. Stew so thick it coated your ribs as it went down, strange isn't it we trecked to school in thick snow, now days 3 flakes and their all shut.


We were same as in never got a lot, but mum made sure we always had grub and a great Christmas, my kids think I'm making it up when I tell them. :hihi:



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Hi Bypassblade, Ha,"They don't know they're born", to quote many before us, haha! Kids don't walk to school anymore,never mind in snow, unless they are ferried by car, i bet they would not go outside at all. Thats a bit mean, i should say some , not all! Going to have to make a thick stew tomorow, my mouth is watering for one now, haha. I am more than a couple of years older than you, but memories seem to be ageless!!

Message to your kids, he is not making it up, it's all true.


Memarie Laine

Edited by memari laine
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