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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Me and Mick used to knock around with her son Keith. I heard he flew a chopper in the Falklands War. She also had a daughter Heather.


Last time we visited Sheffield - 1995 - Mr & Mrs Darwent were still in the same house too.


dont know about keith but knew kenny and heather . i know kenny joined the forces and i think maybe heather did too

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  • 4 weeks later...

just joined hope somebody remembers me i"m susan murphy i lived on cotleigh close went to rainbow forge and carter lodge left school 1963 what a long time ago ive seen a few names mentioned that i recognise my brother stephen was a friend of nigel west still see billy burdett now and then i know the leakes my mates were susan brookes barbara downend wendy clay :|:|

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Oh gosh, I went to the Village School too in the 50's. I was born in 1949. Then I went to Hackenthorpe Infants and then on to Rainbow Forge Junior Annexe which was a part of Carter Lodge because Rainbow Forge Junior school was full. Then I remained at Carter Lodge secondary school before I left in 1964. I also used to play on the roof of the derelict hall on main street. Disney (the local bobby) caught me one day and threated to tell my parents. I was absolutely terrified. A proper little tomboy then I was!


---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 15:58 ----------


Hi Sue, Barbara your friend here. I daren't give my surname. I have just been out to lunch with two of my school friends, Janice who moved to Woodhouse and Linda who lived on Carr Forge Mount. We still keep in touch. Hope you and Pat are OK.


---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 16:19 ----------


I remember you Maurice, but I knew your brother better. You were a little older than myself. I think you knew my sister, Sheila. My name is Barbara. Your brother, John, was friends with John Wood and he used to live across from our house. Your brother used to like me - in fact, the last time I saw him was at Birley Spa school. I was the secretary there and he was the photograher. I was a little embarrassed because I think he still liked me. I think he lived somewhere up Dore, although I may be wrong!

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 23.


I you come down Birley Spa Lane then take a left turn into Carter Lodge Avenue you will see immediately on the left a green grassy area containing lots of bushy bushes and plants. Opposite are eight houses (4 detached), of which 7 are classed as Carter Lodge Avenue and one as Birley Spa Lane.

Glossops – 2 or 4

Wilsons – 12

Mallinsons – 14

Fairfaxs – 24

Pollards – 26

Masons – 38

Faireys – 5

Ludlums – 7

Drabbles – 27(?)

Wraggs – 35

Harrisons - ? even nr.

Gleadhill - ? even nr.

- and others.


When I was growing up on Carter Lodge Avenue in late 70's-80s the following lived in those first few houses:


House on End(Birley Spa Lane) - Days

2 - Old Couple can't remember name

4 - Old Couple with son can't remember name. think old boy was called Doug

6 - US! Wiles

8 - Tuckers

10 - Knowles

12 - Wilsons

14 - Mrs Marriot

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And I used to serve him at the bar in the Hogs. He once brought a hammer in and started bashing it on the bar because no one would serve him.[/quote
Edited by NANNY
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Me and Mick used to knock around with her son Keith. I heard he flew a chopper in the Falklands War. She also had a daughter Heather.


Last time we visited Sheffield - 1995 - Mr & Mrs Darwent were still in the same house too.


Hi, kenny page deffo joined forces and lives in hereford, his sister heather did not join up and lives in sheffield. Mrs page still alive and kicking.

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Hi, kenny page deffo joined forces and lives in hereford, his sister heather did not join up and lives in sheffield. Mrs page still alive and kicking.


Do you remember Keith? I think Kenny was his younger brother. Keith would be about 60+ now. I always thought it was Keith who became the chopper pilot but I could be mistaken.


Did you live down that way?

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Do you remember Keith? I think Kenny was his younger brother. Keith would be about 60+ now. I always thought it was Keith who became the chopper pilot but I could be mistaken.


Did you live down that way?


Only vaguely know keith, but know kenny very well. I live in the area

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 25.


1. The family Leigh, as in lea, and not as in lee, has been mentioned a few times on this thread. The Leigh’s lived on Carr Forge Mount almost on the jennel that led to Carr Forge Lane. I used to see one lad from this family quite often knocking about. This lad always seemed to be wearing threadbare grey coloured short trousers (most of us at that age wore shorts or short trou), and a moth eaten blue jumper. He also wore braces (with button holes at the ends) not underneath, but overneath his jumper which was tucked into his trousers.


His homemade hairstyle looked as if a saucepan (a large sized Passing Cloud cigarette ashtray would have also sufficed) had been placed over his head, and any rat tails and such sticking out would have been lopped off. This made his tall head look even taller than it was. I must admit I didn’t want to be seen hanging around with him, but I always acknowledged him when I saw him out and about. Other children would snigger, smirk and loudly poke fun at him which is something I never did, or would do. He couldn’t help the way he looked or how his parents dressed him, please remember that.


2. During those days in the early 60’s my mum always used to annoy me when she had washed my greyey black non-designer jeans. They always turned out to be hard and stiff as if they had been starched with that Robin stuff. She would then iron (yes, iron) them but not in the way one would iron trousers with the crease to the front and back. She would iron them with the creases at the side making me look like a cowboy wearing chaps.


I didn’t wear braces but a green and yellow snake buckled snake belt which I always tightly fastened on notch five to keep me ruddy trousers up. Lol.


3. Going along Rainbow Way in the direction of Rainbow Drive there was a house on the left midway that had a most wonderful front garden. The householder must have spent every God given hour working in that garden. Every spring and summer I’d go specially just to admire it. The flowers and plants were set out in a series of neat diamond, triangular and circular shapes. Anybody else remember this edenonic garden?...Thought not! Ugh.

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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 25.


1. The family Leigh, as in lea, and not as in lee, has been mentioned a few times on this thread. The Leigh’s lived on Carr Forge Mount almost on the jennel that led to Carr Forge Lane. I used to see one lad from this family quite often knocking about. This lad always seemed to be wearing threadbare grey coloured short trousers (most of us at that age wore shorts or short trou), and a moth eaten blue jumper. He also wore braces (with button holes at the ends) not underneath, but overneath his jumper which was tucked into his trousers.


His homemade hairstyle looked as if a saucepan (a large sized Passing Cloud cigarette ashtray would have also sufficed) had been placed over his head, and any rat tails and such sticking out would have been lopped off. This made his tall head look even taller than it was. I must admit I didn’t want to be seen hanging around with him, but I always acknowledged him when I saw him out and about. Other children would snigger, smirk and loudly poke fun at him which is something I never did, or would do. He couldn’t help the way he looked or how his parents dressed him, please remember that.


2. During those days in the early 60’s my mum always used to annoy me when she had washed my greyey black non-designer jeans. They always turned out to be hard and stiff as if they had been starched with that Robin stuff. She would then iron (yes, iron) them but not in the way one would iron trousers with the crease to the front and back. She would iron them with the creases at the side making me look like a cowboy wearing chaps.


I didn’t wear braces but a green and yellow snake buckled snake belt which I always tightly fastened on notch five to keep me ruddy trousers up. Lol.



Going along Rainbow Way in the direction of Rainbow Drive there was a house on the left midway that had a most wonderful front garden. The householder must have spent every God given hour working in that garden. Every spring and summer I’d go specially just to admire it. The flowers and plants were set out in a series of neat diamond, triangular and circular shapes. Anybody else remember this edenonic garden?...Thought not! Ugh.

that would be the blackwells

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