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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 33.


1. Ref. post 489 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


You mentioned you lived 6 houses away from Jean Cottam, Cotty to her friends. You lucky so and so, I would have done or given anything to have lived near to her, she was, and probably is still a stunner, I can tell you. I would have willingly been a stray iron filing drawn to this most magnetic maiden. I remember seeing her in the corridor at Carter Lodge School on my last day there in the winter of 1965. A crisp white shirt underneath a quality navy blue coloured V-necked jumper, a long kissable neck, and the face of a goddess. I just knew at that exciting, but sad moment, I wouldn’t ever be seeing her again. I was 11 years and 8 months old.



Oh Zakes, having seen all your posts where you mention numerous nubile young girls who you lusted after I was beginning to think I was just one in a long line of your concubines, However, your memory of me on your last day at school had made an old lass very happy. I am still a magnetic maiden but this is probably down to my titanium hips ha ha. Still loving your posts and I think I may have been in Pegasus house as well. No doubt you'll put me right on that one (I don';t even remember the other names of the houses lol). :love:


---------- Post added 26-09-2013 at 19:47 ----------


Anybody from Hackenthorpe


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 32.


Subtitled:- One in a taxi, one in a car, one on a scooter tooting his hooter.


1. At Rainbow Forge Infants in 1960-61ish we had a na© tivity play – Mary and Joseph. I don’t need to go into detail about what the play was about, because we are all well acquainted with the fable. I saw angels, shepherds and 3 kings (wise men) bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and mirth, which caused much gaiety and laughter. It had been reported that the shepherds had washed their socks by night, and the angels had been angling with fishing rods and not with he-rods. Anyroad, Mary gave bith to a son, and she and her bloke Joseph proudly named the child Jesus. Everything seemed to have worked out fine, and the rest is history.

If the above info is wrong, then please address your remarks to Miss Hardwick because she organised the nactivity activity. I was part of the audience because I didn’t want to be a sheep or a donkey because I’m human. I have never been an angel, so I didn’t become one of them. I didn’t play a wise man either, because I was too young to be wise.


Before the play had started, some of us young ‘uns were listening to the boastful lad who was to play the part of Joseph. This lad, who was destined never to become one of my pals of the day, weekend, month, term, year etc, was called Marcus. This Marcus kid was so full of himsen he must have thought he was on his father’s yacht. Bad news for him was, there wasn’t that many yachts to be seen in Bethlehem, let alone Hackenthorpe in them days. Marcus really thought he was so smart waering that red, white and blue checked tea towel on his bonce, held in place with the aid of 37 elastic bands and 16 hair grips. He looked like an early day Yassir Arabfat P.L.O.dding about on stage in his pink plastic sandals.


Marcus most likely ended up later going to Thornbitch Grammar School with others of a similar ilk. Oh, geeowah, Mecks yer sick!


2. There was a class or year photo taken at Rainbow Forge Infants in 60-61 with about 25 children on it, including me (Zakes). When me dad’s (my best friend) life came to an end the rest of the family sorted out his belongings and I don’t know what happened to the photo. Have any of you got a copy that you could put up as a post on this thread? Ask your brothers and sisters.


---------- Post added 22-09-2013 at 03:40 ----------


Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 33.


1. Ref. post 489 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


You mentioned you lived 6 houses away from Jean Cottam, Cotty to her friends. You lucky so and so, I would have done or given anything to have lived near to her, she was, and probably is still a stunner, I can tell you. I would have willingly been a stray iron filing drawn to this most magnetic maiden. I remember seeing her in the corridor at Carter Lodge School on my last day there in the winter of 1965. A crisp white shirt underneath a quality navy blue coloured V-necked jumper, a long kissable neck, and the face of a goddess. I just knew at that exciting, but sad moment, I wouldn’t ever be seeing her again. I was 11 years and 8 months old.


2. Re. post 491 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


I remember Robert and Alma Sherwood. I used to be in the same class at Birley Spa Juniors with their unidentical twin sons, Christopher and Mark, Mark being the eldest of the two. They lived at 61 Birley Spa Lane (opposite where Springwater Avenue comes out), in the last house next to the steps that le(a)d down to Dyke Vale avenue-close. Christopher had been at times my pal of the weekend. He once had a big fight with Nigel West at junior school which he lost. Christopher could also walk on his hands. The well built Mr. Sherwood may have worked at Edgar Allen’s (?). I remember Alma had auburn coloured hair in the early 60’s. They had lots of trees in their garden. Perhaps more than anyone else on the estate.


3. Ref. post 493 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


(A) Yes. The ivy covered building was part of Spencers farm, but I wanted to know what it is (was). The real name of the farm is Brookhouse Farm.

(B) Povey was the correct name, and not Proby. Thank you for that Tazz.

© Was Inkersall House to do with the Kirk family?



Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 33.


1. Ref. post 489 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


You mentioned you lived 6 houses away from Jean Cottam, Cotty to her friends. You lucky so and so, I would have done or given anything to have lived near to her, she was, and probably is still a stunner, I can tell you. I would have willingly been a stray iron filing drawn to this most magnetic maiden. I remember seeing her in the corridor at Carter Lodge School on my last day there in the winter of 1965. A crisp white shirt underneath a quality navy blue coloured V-necked jumper, a long kissable neck, and the face of a goddess. I just knew at that exciting, but sad moment, I wouldn’t ever be seeing her again. I was 11 years and 8 months old.



Oh Zakes, having seen all your posts where you mention numerous nubile young girls who you lusted after I was beginning to think I was just one in a long line of your concubines, However, your memory of me on your last day at school had made an old lass very happy. I am still a magnetic maiden but this is probably down to my titanium hips ha ha. Still loving your posts and I think I may have been in Pegasus house as well. No doubt you'll put me right on that one (I don';t even remember the other names of the houses lol). :love:

Edited by COTTY
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Hello Cotty, Pegasus, Griffin, phoenix, and Unicorn. Good God, don't know where i dragged those up from, but they were the House names at Carter Lodge, i also used to be in Pegasus, the best house to be in!! Anyone on here that was at same school from '64 to '67 ?

Memarie Laine

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I Lived on Carr Forge Road had a Brother Dougie Chamberlain

and I married Tony Maris off Carr Forge Lane :rant: left years ago and was barred from Blue Bell at 16 for dancing on table LOL


How spooky is that?


I'm Tony Maris and my mother lived on either Carr Forge Road or Carr forge Lane when I'd joined the Fleet Air Arm!


I don't recall being married to you!!:hihi: (unless your name is Cynthia, that is):o

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Not sure if it has been mentioned on this thread, but is there anyone out there who went to the Hackenthorpe Youth Club in the 1960's, it was held twice a week I think in Carter Lodge School. I seem to recollect that it always had a great crowd at each meeting.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned on this thread, but is there anyone out there who went to the Hackenthorpe Youth Club in the 1960's, it was held twice a week I think in Carter Lodge School. I seem to recollect that it always had a great crowd at each meeting.


hi greg, I used to go to the youth club on thursday nights. I seem to remember mr. wearham? being in charge. I had to leave in 1962 when I turned 21. sad day as we had some good nights there.

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buddysbuddy, you have a great memory, yes I am sure it was Mr Wearham who ran it, and Thurs would have been one of the days, was the other night Monday? I played football for the YC and table tennis, they were good nights at the club. Can you remember any names from that time?

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I grew up on Birley and Hackenthorpe, all my family live on Hackenthorpe now but I've moved to Barnsley. I used to be the Assistant Manager for GT News on Hackenthorpe shops back in 2001 when I was 18.


Does anyone remember the Elams who ran the newspaper shop?

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Does anyone remember the Elams who ran the newspaper shop?


hi katerina, I remember harry elam. I met him when he used to deliver papers out of the back of his car before he had the " garden shed" by the bus stop. I delivered and canvassed for him for about 5 years. when I started doing deliveries I was under age to do sundays but I did them anyway. harry always told me " if you see the bobby [p.c disney] drop the papers and leg it!! dont let him catch you"


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 15:29 ----------


buddysbuddy, you have a great memory, yes I am sure it was Mr Wearham who ran it, and Thurs would have been one of the days, was the other night Monday? I played football for the YC and table tennis, they were good nights at the club. Can you remember any names from that time?


O.K youve got me thinking now. I think it was george wearham[ although everybody called him mr. in those days. I knew his wife who was called grace- she worked at the post office at garlick and russells shop on spa view road. I worked in the butchers. how about john loftus, ronnie craven, fred chapman,ann southern carol ?? more may come to mind.


---------- Post added 05-10-2013 at 15:33 ----------


buddysbuddy, you have a great memory, yes I am sure it was Mr Wearham who ran it, and Thurs would have been one of the days, was the other night Monday? I played football for the YC and table tennis, they were good nights at the club. Can you remember any names from that time?


I just remembered that I caused a bit of a kerfuffle when I walked in one night in march 1958 and announced " I went to the city hall the other night and met buddy holly and the crickets and look I got autographs"

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