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Anybody from Hackenthorpe?

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Hello Tony,


Are you the Tony Maris whose dad was called Jack. About three houses up Carr Forge Lane. If you are I use to knock about with you, I had an Areal VB with sidecar, and I think you were in the sidecar one day when I ran into a flood at Intake.


Not I!:confused:


I didn't know any Jacks in our family and I didn't know any other Tony Maris's around Hackenthorpe either...... I didn't know it was such a popular name! I did read what looked my own obituary in the Sheffield Star about 20 years ago though..... very scary!


For the record, My Dad was Ernest Maris and I had two sisters Margaret (or Stella as she preferred to be known later) and Elizabeth plus a brother Michael. Ernest is long gone, as is my Mum Winifred, but all the kids are still alive and kicking!!


We previously lived on Jaunty Avenue, Base Green, and went to Frecheville Sec Mod after spells at the junior school, (except for Mike who went to the grammar).......

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Not I!:confused:


I didn't know any Jacks in our family and I didn't know any other Tony Maris's around Hackenthorpe either...... I didn't know it was such a popular name! I did read what looked my own obituary in the Sheffield Star about 20 years ago though..... very scary!


For the record, My Dad was Ernest Maris and I had two sisters Margaret (or Stella as she preferred to be known later) and Elizabeth plus a brother Michael. Ernest is long gone, as is my Mum Winifred, but all the kids are still alive and kicking!!


We previously lived on Jaunty Avenue, Base Green, and went to Frecheville Sec Mod after spells at the junior school, (except for Mike who went to the grammar).......


Further back in this post I received an answer from the wife of the Tony Maris I knew (Carr Forge Lane in the 60's) He is alive and well. I did not know that there was another Tony Maris on Hackenthorpe at the time.

Thanks for your reply.

Edited by Boginspro
I forgot to mention.
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Hackenthorpe, and Zakes Part 2


Favourite pastimes included, scrumping (on a grand scale), bird nesting, conkers - I once had a conk(qu)er 57 (we used to soak them in vinegar and then put them in a dark cupboard to harden over several months), throwing arrows, catapulting, pea shooting and bulrushing. Much of this happened down Brook Lane, Bluebell Wood, past the house with the cannon on the wall up to the Riding School at Mos'boro Top, Ridgeway, Ford, Hackenthorpe Village School, a church on the left on Sheffield Road towards Occupation Lane, and a slag heap down the fields at the back of Carr Forge Road and Rainbow Avenue.

In these fields was a house where a family lived and I believe they didn't have gas or electricity. Does anyone have any info about this?


Pigs Lane was mentioned in an earlier post by Lo Strider, I spent many hours in that vacinity and I too used to run downthe embankment from Rainbow Forge playing field to the other side of Pigs Lane up the bank, turned and ran back in the same tilt, wish I had a quid for every time I did that (might try it again soon). When I was at Rainbow Forge Infants we had one day an inter-schools sports day and during the activities like the sack race, egg and spoon race, obstickel race, fell in love for the very first time ever with a girl who was from Charnock School. The name of the girl was Lynn Hanson, I can clearly remember wanting to touch her blonde natural coloured hair that was done in ponytail fashion with a red ribbon and she also had a sweet looking faint line of lentigines across the middle of her nose. I never saw her again after that day. That was almost 50 years ago. Where are you now Lynn?


Remembered is also the years 1961, 62, 63, 64 when a group of us would be trying to cadge a penny or two for bonfire night from patrons going into the BLUe Bell boozer with minimal success, TIGHT SODS! It was a pity because each year we had tried so hard to make a really good Guy Fawkes look-alike. Might try again this year.

P.S Did Mr Howard ever sell fireworks? I seem to think that he did.


I think that the lonely house was where the Gregg family lived. They were feared by most people of that era.


---------- Post added 23-01-2015 at 15:24 ----------


wasn't his name Povey


His name was Povey and he bacame Chief Constable of Hull I think. I delivered newspapers to Inkersall House for the Major (army rank) I think about 1960/61.


---------- Post added 23-01-2015 at 15:29 ----------


Hi Nanny,


I've got the right Tony then! So sorry to hear Julie has passed away, the last time I saw Robin he told me that she was seriously ill, but I'm not up Hacky much these days, only to see my sister pat every now and again. Could you ask Tony if he remembers a kid who fell from the wires of a Pylon when they were being erected near Canns bottom, the wires were on the ground and they were being pulled up, he grabbed one and went up with it, by the time he let go it was high up and I think he was killed in the fall. The reason I ask is because I'm sure we were talking to the Star about it at the back of Tony's house, but there again it could just be my imagination/poor memory and it was in the very early 60s. Give my regards to Tonys sisters when you speak again.




The kid who grasped the pylon wires was Trevor West. He did survive the fall.


---------- Post added 23-01-2015 at 15:49 ----------


Anybody from Hackenthorpe


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 32.


Subtitled:- One in a taxi, one in a car, one on a scooter tooting his hooter.


1. At Rainbow Forge Infants in 1960-61ish we had a na© tivity play – Mary and Joseph. I don’t need to go into detail about what the play was about, because we are all well acquainted with the fable. I saw angels, shepherds and 3 kings (wise men) bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and mirth, which caused much gaiety and laughter. It had been reported that the shepherds had washed their socks by night, and the angels had been angling with fishing rods and not with he-rods. Anyroad, Mary gave bith to a son, and she and her bloke Joseph proudly named the child Jesus. Everything seemed to have worked out fine, and the rest is history.

If the above info is wrong, then please address your remarks to Miss Hardwick because she organised the nactivity activity. I was part of the audience because I didn’t want to be a sheep or a donkey because I’m human. I have never been an angel, so I didn’t become one of them. I didn’t play a wise man either, because I was too young to be wise.


Before the play had started, some of us young ‘uns were listening to the boastful lad who was to play the part of Joseph. This lad, who was destined never to become one of my pals of the day, weekend, month, term, year etc, was called Marcus. This Marcus kid was so full of himsen he must have thought he was on his father’s yacht. Bad news for him was, there wasn’t that many yachts to be seen in Bethlehem, let alone Hackenthorpe in them days. Marcus really thought he was so smart waering that red, white and blue checked tea towel on his bonce, held in place with the aid of 37 elastic bands and 16 hair grips. He looked like an early day Yassir Arabfat P.L.O.dding about on stage in his pink plastic sandals.


Marcus most likely ended up later going to Thornbitch Grammar School with others of a similar ilk. Oh, geeowah, Mecks yer sick!


2. There was a class or year photo taken at Rainbow Forge Infants in 60-61 with about 25 children on it, including me (Zakes). When me dad’s (my best friend) life came to an end the rest of the family sorted out his belongings and I don’t know what happened to the photo. Have any of you got a copy that you could put up as a post on this thread? Ask your brothers and sisters.


---------- Post added 22-09-2013 at 03:40 ----------


Anybody from Hackenthorpe?


Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 33.


1. Ref. post 489 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


You mentioned you lived 6 houses away from Jean Cottam, Cotty to her friends. You lucky so and so, I would have done or given anything to have lived near to her, she was, and probably is still a stunner, I can tell you. I would have willingly been a stray iron filing drawn to this most magnetic maiden. I remember seeing her in the corridor at Carter Lodge School on my last day there in the winter of 1965. A crisp white shirt underneath a quality navy blue coloured V-necked jumper, a long kissable neck, and the face of a goddess. I just knew at that exciting, but sad moment, I wouldn’t ever be seeing her again. I was 11 years and 8 months old.


2. Re. post 491 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


I remember Robert and Alma Sherwood. I used to be in the same class at Birley Spa Juniors with their unidentical twin sons, Christopher and Mark, Mark being the eldest of the two. They lived at 61 Birley Spa Lane (opposite where Springwater Avenue comes out), in the last house next to the steps that le(a)d down to Dyke Vale avenue-close. Christopher had been at times my pal of the weekend. He once had a big fight with Nigel West at junior school which he lost. Christopher could also walk on his hands. The well built Mr. Sherwood may have worked at Edgar Allen’s (?). I remember Alma had auburn coloured hair in the early 60’s. They had lots of trees in their garden. Perhaps more than anyone else on the estate.


3. Ref. post 493 by Tazz 070299. On this thread.


(A) Yes. The ivy covered building was part of Spencers farm, but I wanted to know what it is (was). The real name of the farm is Brookhouse Farm.

(B) Povey was the correct name, and not Proby. Thank you for that Tazz.

© Was Inkersall House to do with the Kirk family?


Inkersall house was owned by an army major when I delivered newspapers around 1960/61. Kirks came along some time later.

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  • 6 months later...
Don't think this is the girl I dated. She lived about three-five doors down from the Pub near the bus terminus (Pub side).


Where you are talking about, a little further up towards Birley, I dated a girl called Barbara Snowden - she lived on a street off Birley Spa Lane, can't remember the name. Now, she was drop-dead gorgeous!!


I revisited England in 1972 and saw her working at the local butchery in Birley Spa Lane. At the time decided it wasn't appropriate to chat with her as I'd arrived in England with a newly wedded wife.


Hiya Domino,

I note that your name is Maurice Copeland. I remember your name but can't put a face to it. My name is Tom Porter and I lived on Springwater Drive, bang opposite Barbara Snowden, and my brother Jim married one of her sisters. I was at a party with the family about 3 weeks ago, and Barbara was there, as drop dead gorgeous as ever, even after all these years! You mentioned that you saw her in the butchers on Birley Spa Lane when you visited in the 70's. It was actually Styans the bakers where she worked. Hope you don't mind me making contact, but I'm sure you'll be pleased to know she's still around, as our generation are getting on a bit!




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Hackenthorpe and Zakes Part 59.


1. Peering out through the window with serious eyes, the 9 years old Zakes was watching the heavily falling rain coming down like stiff stair rods in the outside darkness. He pressed his nose against the glass pane of the metal framed single glazed window. He felt the cold damp against his flattened organ of smell, because he had to get this close or he would have only seen a mirrored reflection of himself. Under normal circumstances, Zakes would not have minded the reflection, because he had always been an admirer of natural handsomeness. Today was a different situation though, because he was impatiently waiting for his tardy dad (Dad Zakes) to arrive home from his place of work, at Tungsten Carbide.


The year was 1963, and it was early Friday evening, and including today, it was 10 days until December. Zakes always enjoyed Fridays because it was the start of the weekend, which meant 2 whole days of adventuring here on the Hackenthorpe estate and the areas surrounding. Fridays were also good, because it meant the Australian childrens programmes, followed by Crackerjack were on telly. Tea time on Fridays were also super duper, because his mum (Mum Zakes) always cooked a delicious fry up of sausage, bacon, egg, mushrooms and redskins.


Zakes was now praying and hoping his dad would win the race, the race against the heavy, torpid looking mobile shop that came around Friday tea times. The converted charabanc bus sold groceries and spice (sweets). The winner of the race would be the first one to reach 6, Carter Lodge Drive, where the Zakes’ lived. It was imperative Dad Zakes won the race, because Zakes was desperately in need of his 2 bob weekly spending money, to splash out at the shop on wheels when it arrived.


The rainy teardrops were still playing patterns upon the window pane, and all Zakes had seen so far was a pair of saturated bats speedily flying by. The bats had taken Zakes by surprise, making it impossible for him to ascertain whether they were made from willow, ash or balsa.


Moments later, Zakes became wide eyed with excitement, as he espied the thin dark shadow of his dad dashing up the pathway, hunched forward in a vain attempt to dodge the unmerciful wet stair rods. Zakes’ gleeful gulumphing lasted only a few moments, because just as the key was sounding in the lock of the house door, the glancing and dancing headlights of the battered bulky mobile shop came into sight and drew nearer, as it came stutteringly up Carter Lodge Drive from the direction of Carr Forge Road. This put Zakes into a most pantiferous panic filled situation. Could he possibly get his spendo off his dad before the shiny shop served it’s last customer and drove off, Zakes fretted.


Out of the wet dark Dad Zakes appeared, standing in the hallway looking soaked to the skin. His light brown overcoat looked darker than it usually was. His size 11 wellies were shining, as was the brylcremed wave upon his head. With a steady flow of water drops dripping from his conk, he loudly exclaimed like a harbinger of doom to Mum Zakes, “Div gorrim! Div gorrim! Div shot Kennedy!” Mum Zakes showed sudden shock upon her fastidious ferret face, and loudly called out as if to God in disgrace, “Oh no! Where? When? How? Who? And Why?”


During the uproarious hullabaloo, Zakes constantly tugged the left cuff of his dad’s saturated overcoat sleeve, demandingly pleading for his pocket money. He had set his heart on a bag of spice from the mobile shop, and was now becoming frantic with fear that the bus would soon be gone. Just when it seemed all would be lost, his dad pressed a dull looking Florin into his son’s soft palm. Within seconds, Zakes, who was dressed in grey jumper, grey shorts and grey colloured Policeman Badger slippers, had slipped out of the house door. The grocer had already set the bus into gear and was ready for leaving. On seeing Zakes the growling engine was switched off.


Inside the motorized shop, Zakes could smell the soil still on the grocer’s potatoes, carrots and turnips. It was almost the exact same smell as the left armpit of one of his girlfriends at Birley Spa Juniors, a wonderful down to earth aromatic aroma.


On being asked if he wanted his usual order, Zakes eagerly nodded his head, which caused the counter to be covered with raindrops. The grocer then proceeded to fill a small white paper bag with rainbow drops, then he proceeded to fill a larger white paper bag with Banana chews, Blackjacks, Fruit Salad, a Fudgy Fudge Bar and a Gobstopper. He generously gave Zakes 1/9 change, because the boy was a regular customer.


Having stepped from the seatless charabanc shop back into the pouring rain, Zakes turned around to face the grocer, and asked him, “Do you know of a man called Ken, Eddie?” The grocer looked to the ceiling to have a quick think, then shook his head. “Well not to worry, div shot him anyway”, declared Zakes.


Footnote: Ken, Eddie = Kennedy. John F. Kennedy.


Does anybody remember these 60’s names:

Maureen cousins

Denise Naylor.

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