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Fly tipping a disgrace

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I live close to a spot regularly used by Fly tippers.


I've caught several tippers, photographed them and their vehicles, gathered evidence from the tipping including MOT certificates and invoices.


When I rang the environmental services department I was rebuked for gathering the evidence because it was their job !!!


If I leave it for them to gather the evidence they always either say 'There was no evidence' or highways collected it and disposed of it before we got there.


I've even had to remind them of the law (They can seize and impound vehicles involved in fly-tipping), the council officers in Sheffield just do not care.


I worked at Street Force briefly and that last comment strikes me as perhaps a little unfair. I'm sure there are some officers that don't give a hoot, but there are a few good people working in environmental services.


The rest of what you wrote though - good for you and nuts to the people who rebuked you, the protectionist pillocks. Fly-tipping's an utter bleeping nuisance that won't be stopped unless fly-tippers get jumped on from a great height and it's the ESD's responsibility to do that. If they're not prepared to accept the public's help they should get out and do a bit more about the problem - there might be fewer complaints then!

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The fly tipping situation is only going to get worse when the WEEE directive kicks in this July. The new directive on disposing of waste electronic and electrical equipment is absolutely ridiculous and has barely been made known to the public let alone unscrupulous builders who don't give a monkey's anyway. Check out http://www.weeecare.com for the grim details.




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SHEFFIELD is the second worst authority in the country for fly-tipping, according to a new report.

The city is named and shamed in a list compiled by the Countryside Alliance which fears a fly-tipping epidemic is sweeping the country.


The report claims Liverpool has the biggest problem, followed by Sheffield and the London borough of Haringey.


Figures show that nationally nearly 2.5 million incidents of unlawful rubbish dumping are recorded each year but only one in 100 leads to a prosecution.


Simon Hart, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: "What motivates fly-tipping appears to be a careless attitude by those who would never dream of breaking the law in any other way."


Although people in rural areas are most concerned about the problem, most rubbish is actually dumped in cities.


It also says some people dump bulky household items that won't be accepted at the local tip.


Coun Bryan Lodge, the council's cabinet member for streetscene and green spaces, said the report was flawed because of "inconsistencies between the method of collating the information in Sheffield".


He added: "This was rectified back in October 2006 and we are confident the future figures will show a significant decrease.


"However, we recognise fly-tipping is a problem that is a blight on the landscape when it occurs and we are aiming to introduce new measures including covert surveillance operation to tackle irresponsible individuals spoiling the environment for the rest of the community."




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I just wonder how much easier it is to chuck a shopping trolley over the weir at Hillsborough than it is to take it back to the shop! There is a great potential for the bridge and the weir to look attractive (if the owners of the buildings on the corners get their act together) if only people would stop chucking their rubbish in! :rant:

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not surprised at this at all, if you are in business its hard to get rid of any rubbish.

unless you want to give a back hander to the guys at the tip sites!!!

i know people who have borrowed vans to move larger items, and after getting to the tip have had to pay to dump items..

are these guys sticking to the letter of the law ie no business or are they just making a fast buck?

daft thing is, if you turn up in a car no questions are asked!!

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Some time ago i sold a transit van to three blokes, mean looking SOB's, one of them was as wide as he was tall, the younger of the three the only one who could speak english gave me the £150 and i made sure that he put his address and signture on the return part of the V5, i sent the return form to Swansea that very afternoon. About 3weeks later someone showed me a picture of my old van in the Star newspaper it was out side a school at pittsmoor full to the roof with builers rubble and burnt out they had run the van until the tax had run out, filled it with crap, then torched it, cheaper than a skip....

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  • 1 year later...

popped around to the local shop last night on my way i saw that someone has dumped a setee and rolls of carpet in the graves trust homes grounds on southey avenue i think it would have taken less energy to contact the council and have them remove it .

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