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Kingdom IS re-opening


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Club land responds to the massive demand from the rabble crowd for a Japanese room!


Just think of the authentic tunes that will be played in there, "Turning Japanese" and "Japanese Boy" all night every night.


interesting concept......I dont get the Japenese bit aside from the decor element which MIGHT be cool if its very well done.


I would love a club to have an EGYPTIAN room, think of the wonderful interior design potential there.....CAIRO's on Bank Street in its pre Corp days went for that mystical look back in the 80's and it kinda worked.....until the plaster carvings started dropping to bits that is....

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Oh my god!!!! Lets see now, close the place, scrape all the puke and pee from the floor, walls and where ever else it managed to gather, paint over the stains that won't go away and re-open under a different name. Why am I not a nightclub guru.......But not only that, lets re-open it to the exact kind of dross that gave it the name it had as Kingdom. The addition of a Japanese room can only mean one thing and one thing only.......Imagine the picture of boozed up, pilled up, spotty adolescent kids :gag: singing in a giant Karaoke room. Quality all round. Jesting aside, they could fill it with bar staff dressed as Japanese school girls like in the Kill Bill films:thumbsup: . The Japanese also have a very sound, tried and tested Techno/Trance background too:hihi: , unlike the poppy euro crap we have over here. So they could do away with the Hallam DJ "Here we go for Tracey's birthday song" routine once and for all and show the country what can be held in Sheffield once again.......But thats just not going to happen is it:( . Nice try by the owners all said and done, but more of the same i'm affraid.:help:

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ok so APPARENTLY, its not going to be some lame attempt at a refurb like gatecrasher was..that looked no different..same inside but a few licks of paint and a few extra chairs here and there...my friend told me yesterday (hes been looking around, dont ask how he got to go inside, but he did) There is no more vip room...it has been extended out even more so its bigger and in the cheesey room, they have big glass screens on the dance floor and the entrance to the main room is in a completely different place..i myself, think it sounds pretty cool and if it wasnt cheap and they stick to the strict dress codes then it will do pretty well!!

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