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Anyone been to Sicily?

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We went a couple of years ago and stayed in the South East near a town called Ragusa.


The hotel was beautiful but in the middle of nowhere, http://www.eremodellagiubiliana.it/en/location.htm it was a converted convent (a miracle they let us in!).


Taormina, the main resort, is pretty and near to Etna the volcano but a bit touristy for me. There are some lovely places on the northern coast going towards Palermo from Catania. The south is quite undeveloped and a lot of people there didn't speak any English.


10 mins on Google should turn up something suitable!

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We went to Cefalu on the north coast for a week 3 years ago in the middle of September.

It nicely warm in the evening and quite hot during the day.

We hired a car and drove from the airport near Palermo to Cefalu which was easy enough.

One morning we drove from Cefalu eastwards along the coast road,I have never been so scared in all my life, so scared in fact that the only time I got in the car was to drive back to the airport at the end of the week.

The Sicilians are mad b.....ds overtaking on blind bends and if there are any rules of the road they don't abide by them.

I was nearly taken out by a coach coming round a corner and taking up all of the road.

When lost I did what they did...stopped in the middle of the road got out and asked the traffic cop who was directing the traffic for directions.

Amazing.. over here I'd been rollocked but he couldn't have cared less.

I saw a bloke on a scooter with no helmet, luggage on the back and a young child standing between him and the handlebars.

The petrol pump was on an island to one side of the road, cars stopped to fill up within 2 feet of the traffic passing by.

They couldn't care a toss and no doubt they are all the happier for not having a load of health and safety jobsworths telling them what to do.

A recommended destination.

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  • 3 years later...

Sicily is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It has everything you (certainly I would want) - lots of history (including Greek and Roman); some nice beaches (especially Cefalu); beautiful scenery; a good transport network and friendly locals. Syracuse, Taormina and Cefalu are all great for a honeymoon, I suggest. Palermo is a bustling place, with heavy traffic (watch out for the scooters). I wouldn't spend much time in Palermo, but it does have a fine archaeology museum which is worth a visit.

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