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Weekend in London


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The British museum is fabulous as is the natural history museum and the V&A.


Steer clear of Oxford Street, its full of tat shops and resembles the moor on a Saturday afternoon with extra rudeness thrown in.


You can do all the landmarks on foot as they are all practically within the square mile (Trafalgar square, Buck house, Picadilly and the Houses of Parliament).


If you really want to do the touristy thing you can go into horse guards parade and watch the changing of the guards (always fun and free)


I like visiting the tower of London. Beware of buying tickets for shows in Leicester square (lots of dodgy folks hang around there)

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I really enjoyed the London Aquarium. It's right near the London Eye on the Thames.


If you like the lovely, lovely Kylie then the Kylie Exhibition is running until 10th June at the Victoria and Albert Museum. It's free but you have to book tickets for a particular time slot. Info here: http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/fashion/kylie/index.html


Also if you like Queen, the musical We Will Rock You is fab.


Have fun!

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The British museum is fabulous as is the natural history museum and the V&A.


I'll second all three of those, though you realy need a few hours minimum in each.


Kew Gardens is worth a visit if you have time too.

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