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Totley Moorland

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Dear Mr. Smith


Thank you for your reassuring comments. I no longer feel as remorseful and guilty as I did a week ago. I am now quite sure that the construction of the Cairn has not damaged Brown Edge Stone Circle for I found this posting by stu on the stoneslist website. He describes the approach from the Barbrook Reservoir side:


“Next time you’re up there, if you go onto the moors using the path at Barbrook Bridge, get to the wall that runs across the moor. Follow it along past the trig point, from here you can see a massive pile of stones (with a pole in the top) further along the line of the wall, it's roughly at SK288789, right on the 382 m contour.


Get to the stones; face north. There’s a brook or wet and muddy thing on your left and a slight ridge up to the right. The circle is along this ridge, and maybe 80 - 90yds tops away from the wall (only a coupla metres height diff). It's before the ridge becomes really prominent. Don't look for the banking, not really noticeable in the heather, until you're there. Look for the two fallen stones and a very small cairn in between.”


stu is not the only one who says the Stone Circle is to the north. So, I was wrong: the Stone Circle is about 80 yards to the north of the Cairn, and not ESE as I thought. Others swear that the Stone Circle is elsewhere. Whatever. It would be nice to have G.P.S. data nonetheless.


Mr. Smith, there is no other version of how the Cairn came to be erected. As I said: when I left Totley in Summer 1983, it was about 2½ m high and about 3 m in diameter at the base.


There are only two questions: a). Who keeps rebuilding it? (Every passer-by?) and more intriguingly b). Who put the cross on it? Strange that stu calls it a pole. Was there a pole there before the cross was erected?


You know what occurred to me yesterday evening, Mr. Smith? It is the Cairn’s 25th birthday. That’s why Ordnance Survey won’t put one of the Peak District’s largest – if not THE largest – cairns on the map: it’s too new. But in my opinion, that’s no criterion. They put blessed Rutland Water on the map and that’s only 32 years old. I’d like to quote here purdyamos who posted the following in the Forum:


“There seems to be a violent hatred of people starting cairns, but the modern rambling tradition is just as much a part of our national heritage as those who built up cairns generations ago. We shouldn't keep the countryside stuck at an arbitrary point in time. One day, our current country habits will seem quaint and interesting to those in many years to come.”


I wish you and all at Sheffield Forum a pleasant weekend, clement weather and good rambling.


Yours sincerely


Gavin Hodgkinson

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to drag up a very old, but very interesting thread but reading it made me wonder what ever happened to Albert. ?

Anyway, to answer the question as to whether the circle was damaged or not by Gavins mound, no it wasn't, it's still there if you know where to look but the heather is now starting to cover it again.

The remains of the circle can be seen on mine and Stu's website, btw, stu is stubob who supplied the info on the circle in this thread.



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