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hi lisa (footyfreak)


yeah would like to say i got mine from there too !!( don,t wear heels honest :rolleyes: )


my mum would buy the comic annuals in the january sales for the next xmas.could never understand why the kids had already read them till i found out (scarred me for life that did lol)


remember having a grey shiny suit and pink shirt with a pink elastic tie from hitchens (i was about 5 mind) my brother would take great pleasure in pulling the tie as far as it would stretch then let it go,with it still round my neck..rotten git


andy m

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Hi detrius, Marvellous memories, brought a lump to my throat, Im a bit older than you, born in 55, do you remember the rope swing under the bridge over the canal, and did you used to slide down the grass banks on bits of cardboard,happy days.

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Hi Enfield


yeah remember the bridge and the sliding.remember somebody had put a load of boards down the bank once and you were supposed to slide down on your feet.not me was a bit young to do that and went down on my backside.spent that night having the splinters pulled from my a##e


miss as i ahve moved to


thankyou for your nice comments,keep watchin hoping to upload every weekend (work permitting).lots of stories and 50 + pics to come


andy m

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Hi detrius!


I know you went to Huntsmans Garden school - can you remember the name of the headteacher there? A tall gentleman always wore one of those smart checked jackets and shirt and tie (like they did back then!) greased back hair and would have probably been in his late fiftie/early sixties (although they always seemed older than what they were) well, anyway, he came straight from Huntsmans to Woodbourn about a year before I left so would probably be about 1979/80 ish. I quite liked him - a bit strict but fair. Only thing is, he used to take us for 'county dancing!' and because I was the tallest girl in the class, I ended up being his partner for the demonstrations of the dance - HATED that! All the other kids thought it was hilarious (plus for some reason he always called me Carol.. my name's Lisa!) Anyway, I'm waffling now! I can't remember for the life of me what his name was. Any ideas? cause he was almost certainly there while you were. Cheers!

(Just found out from another forumer that he was called Mr. Sanderson!)



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This is brill, my dad grew up in Attercliffe and i lived on the tinsley marina four years ago now on a barge and i remeber when he use to visit him telling me about the houses that was were you was talking about. back then i did not kind of belive him as i did not see them and never seen pictures so it is great to hear about it from someone els has i not hear about it till then.

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Hi Lisa

i can,t remember his name either,i asked my mum too and she had no idea.maybe a good one for a new thread.must be someone out there who will.remember having to go through a court yard down to the school dinner room,was all painted in blueon brick and always smelt.potted meat sandwhiches and a weak carton of orange squash YAKK !!. that brought a memory back :rolleyes:


andy m

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hi all

i,m glad it is bringing memories back to you.sometimes think your all alone from a lost era.its making it all worthwhile uploading.do you remember marcway models just down from hitchens,spent more time presssed against the window dreaming of a trainset.visited xmas last year and bought one,

couldn,t resist great tis still there :)

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Hi Andy, You have some excellent recollections (You've brought the memory's flooding back!). I moved to Attercliffe in 1967 (aged 2) and lived on Francis street till 1979 (moved to Pitsmoor).


A question for you: can you remember the name of the corner shop the was on the opposite side to Henry's but further down Shirland lane close to Attercliffe road (opposite a shop run by an Asian family). The only things I can remember was that it was run by what seemed to be a very old man. The shop also always seemed dusty with very little light coming in. Any Ideas?


Also, Do you remember a really strange toy shop that was at the opposite end of shirland lane (Darnell end). It was across the bridge, Pass the pub (dog & partridge?) and garages and it was on the right-hand side was opposite the factories near the end.


It was nothing more than a normal terrace house but with a larger than normal window that displayed toys like the old Timpo soldiers etc. It was very surreal!


All the best



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hi bugz ( Brent)


not sure,i do remember the asian shop was painted green and was grocers with all the veg inside and out.was the only place open later and my mum would send me for milk when henrys had shut.will research doe the other shop.as for the toy shop not sure again i remember the one on the corner over the canal bridge was just below the rads club on staniforth road.that had soldiers and the action figures from startrek and planet of the apes.remember i had spock one xmas.that will be coming up in a video soon.


thankyou for your nice comments on my site.can,t wait to upload more.if you should log onto the sheffiel library site there are two cracking shots of francis street in the late 60.s.maybe see your house


best wishes keep replying


andy m

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