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Hi Drinkingman


Glad you like them.Trying to upload everyweek.Will also be taking a trip back down Attercliffe when i come back home in August.


Keep Watching


Andy M

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Quite a busy weekend but managed to put a two part wander up Attercliffe road taking in some of th especial shops that make it unique :hihi:


See what you think


Thanks for looking


Andy M


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Hi All

Had a six minuite spot on Radio sheffield today Friday 18/05/07.On the Rony Robinson show.it can be listened to by clicking the link below and clicking listen again.it was about 48 minuites into the show.





It was to Describe my Youtube site and describe the reasons why i have done it.hopefully it will lead to more exposure of the "cliffe"


thankyou for your support and post replys.i have plugged both sheffield sites on my site




Andy m:roll:

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Hi Andrew, cool interview!! (you came across really well!). I think after this you could have a serious posse of people gearing up for the 'cliffe' tour come the end of August!!! :)

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  • 14 years later...

Hello Attercliffe lovers!


I'm a bit late to this forum sorry but thank you all for sharing your memories.. thought I would share a few of mine..


My grand parents Booth lived at 90 Chippingham Street opposite the "Chippy" from 1940-1982 I think.   Their house was one of the last standing because the guy next door refused to leave.  I remember one winter we went back with my grandmother and there were three houses left .  Her's, the guy next door and a house on the other side of his.. Everywhare else had been knocked down.. floors had fallen through in her house..  We threw snowballs into the living room.. thinking back I'm sure my grandmother was not impressed by this.. her memories of having brought up her two children there.. but I was only 11 years old at the time!   I was born in 1971 at Nether Hedge but moved to Sherburn-in-Elmet when I was two. 


We used to visit my grand parents almost every other weekend so my parents could go out in Sheffield with their mates.  They grew up in Attercliffe.  Mum on Chippingham Street and Dad on Worthing Road.  Most half terms and Christmas we spent on Chippingham Street until they were forced to move to Southey Green.


We used to walk the poodle "Shandy" around the corner across Shirland Lane bridge of an evening with my grandad.  Behind the brick wall over the other side of the bridge there was always a supply of small stone gravel.    On the way back across the bridge we would throw bits of gravel across onto the cable bridge to see if we could get it through the holes in the slabs.  Went back there not long ago and there is still a plenty supply of gravel!  No idea where it comes from but couldn't resist another go!


Can't forget the outside loo and smell of the paraffin lamp to keep the frost off!  We would climb on the wall at the back of the yard to see if we could get stones into the canal.. It was full of shopping trolleys, tyres and bikes.. and my grandads air rifle that he broke up and chucked over the wall.  Not sure what the reason was now though..


Fond memories of long walks with grandad down the canal to Tinsley or Rotherham and getting the bus back... he'd tell us all his stories of growing up in Attercliffe.  He worked at Firth Browns since 14 years of age until he retired at 65.


My Grandmother used to take us to Banners and we'd go 'rummaging' with her in Hitchens.  Seemed a bit like a jumble sale to me.  Escalators in Banners were amazing.. it was like "Are you being Served" in there.


Grandad would take us to the Swap shop on Attercliffe common.  Loved it.  There was always something interesting to to keep us amused over the half term.  He had guns, cameras, fishing tackle, telescopes, gas masks, toy cars, trains, shop dummies, records.. you name it.. can't resist a second hand shop to this day!


We cleared out the cellar coal bunker on one visit.. sure that we would find a German Pilot's body hidden in there left over from the war..   Grandad was in the home guard and manned the anti-aircraft guns during the blitz.


We used to take R White's lemonade bottles back to the corner shop (Chippingham Street and Shirland Lane) and used the deposits to buy sweets.  What was it called?  Henry's?  Did he used to wear a coat like Ronnie Barker in "Open All Hours" .. might have been white or is that my memory making it up?


Grandad's garage was across Shirland Lane bridge by the electricity pylon.  Always a treat to go in there and see all the tools he made himself at the steel works.. smell of petrol and oil from his Dolomite.. 


I've been researching the family tree recently.  Most of my family and ancestors up to great-great-great-great- grandparents were from Attercliffe, Carbrook, Darnall and surrounding areas.  Living in Dunlop Street, Old Hall road, Worksop Road, Britnal Street, Worthing Road, Westbury Street,  Faranden Road, Candow Street.. Most either Colliery labourers or Steel Workers.  Only my great grandad Booth was different.  He was a Tram conductor until 1955. 


So, I feel like an honoury 'Cliffe' lad even though I've not really lived there.  


It was always so sad to leave on a Sunday evening, sitting in the back of my parents car driving down Attercliffe Common towards Tinsley and Doncaster to get the A1 home.. the only one thing we could look forward now to was a stop off at what I can only think must have been Staybrite works past Carbrook,  to see the steel workers tapping the molten steel into the ladles...like fireworks in the night!


Take care all.

















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