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The very old Petre Street , Sutherland RD, Earldom St area

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OK people, lets bring things right up to date.......One of you out there mentioned some shops on Lyons St just opposite the church....well do you recall the Co-Op..............my house is now built on the very same spot. I have been there for 28 years & only realised this about 10-12 years ago.

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OK people, lets bring things right up to date.......One of you out there mentioned some shops on Lyons St just opposite the church....well do you recall the Co-Op..............my house is now built on the very same spot. I have been there for 28 years & only realised this about 10-12 years ago.[/Q
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Hi my Mum lived it that area, went to Petre street Chapel. She was called Joan Archer, there were quite a lot of the Archers, Len Syd Les Grace to name but a few


HI I went to school with Joan & Syd did she marry one of the Hammonds

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How are you ?I havent heard from you in ages.I would still love some photos of that corner of Petre st and Earldom st.I had an email from our next door neighbours,They lived there after the Cottons.I was stoked Love to all:cool:


HI Glen i'll try again, just wrote and lost it, Anyhow how are you keeping, i've been on the other forum for a long time, then my pc packed up, got a new one, and was entering this forum as a programe, so l had a look and find alot thought l'd departed this life , but theres life in the old dog yet,l shall have to stay a little while longer ,just ordered new curtains and a new tractor. Re the Family Tree i'll send you a pm, l did try to contact you last year but no joy , UNCY ARTYXX

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My aunt & uncle lived on Canada St their name was Woodhall he had coal business & he also kept pigs, my cousin & family lived on Peter St between Canada St & Carwood Rd.
HI I knew the Woodhall's went to school with Bill think he had a sister too, we kept pigs on Earldom st, during the war same time as his dad
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