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Burgoyne Rd School 1950-1960

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Any one out there go to Burgoyne Rd school 1950-1960!

And remembers Pop Morris,Bill Simmonds,Mrs Millhouse,Tom Davy, MR Plough,Philip Cohen was the head master

I would like to hear from you.




I went to Burgoyne Rd School from 1952 to 1962 and remember all the teachers you mention.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi my name is Carol Wood lived on Harworth Street went to burgoyne Road school..i went to school with Mary Howard who lived across. I new Raymond fundy and his brother. Dennis the butchers lived on the end of Rd.

I new Alan Taylor off bloor Street. My mother was Sylvia pickering her house was bombed in war they lived in the same yard as butterworths I went to school with Lynn. Mar riots were my mums cousin they had veg shop.

Bilton were bakery above were Saunders chip chop then post office Dennis butchers and wool sop.

Across was pawn brokers then Gregory butchers Bridget the dad died and they moved to Hillsborough. On Whitehouse Lane were the siddals shop Sue dad took Mary and me to school every morning to myers.

My best friend was jania kantar and I New Janet Hawley she was another cousin to my mum.

The buttery family is my mother Sylvia sister who lived with grandad pickering on hawkesworth Road she had Hazel Janet and Christopher aunt Edna and uncle Ted. Her other brother lived on Blake Street and Frank pickering married norah of tennyson Road.

I hope some one will know any one of these persons and have some catch up..

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A bomb dropped in Bloor St, one at the corner of Harworth St and Burgoyne Rd and a third in Cundy St. I was at Burgoyne Rd School between 1944 1953 but do recognise any of the names you mention. Mr Churchyard was the head teacher when I was at school, I also remember Pop Morris, Miss Henson, Mr Stevens and others.

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Hi rap when I went to burgoyne it was Cohen that was head I think I was about 8 1961 is.

My mum would be there same time as u but when there was bomb threats they were sometimes in people's houses for lessons. Florence and Edward pickering were her parents who lived in 202 burgoyne road and it was bombed. Alice her sister married marries they had veg shop. Where did u live.

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Hello Carol, I lived on Walkley Street then Hoole St. My sister knew a boy who was playing with a Macano set outside his house across from the school, she and her friend teased him by picking up a piece of the Macano set and ran off with it. He gave chase, but realising he had left his toy vulnerable, he gave up the chase and shouted words to the effect "I'll get you at school tomorrow". The bomb fell on his house that night!

My wife lived in Creswick St so we decided to visited Walkley yesterday. We first visited Copton St where my Mum lived with 13 siblings, we then made for Burgoyne Rd. We visited the general area where we played but kept getting lost because some of the streets that were familiar to us have gone. There were once shops across from Tenyson Rd and Hawkswoth Rd but they too have gone. Could go on all day!

Edited by RAPXV
mistakes in the posting
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi  My name was Janet Fielding and I lived at 95 Burgoyne Road until 1966 and I went to Burgoyne Road School.   I remember most of the teachers mentioned above.  I remember Mr Cohen but I didn't like him, he gave me the cane for talking!

ps  Raleigh was blue, Drake was red, Grenville was yellow and Hawkins was green.

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HI , I went to Burgoyne Rd School from 1962 , i remember Miss Penrose and Mr Davey , Cohen was the headmaster then and also caned me in front of the class for talking . I lived on Cundy St and the school wall backed on to our garden , so i kept all the school balls that came over it. I can remember the playground had some shelters you coul go under when it rained . 😎

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  • 3 years later...

I know it's been a long time since anyone commented on this post but I have only just come across it.  I lived at Burgoyne Road School from 1956 to 1961.  My Dad was the caretaker and we lived in the flat on the bottom floor of the school on Cundy Street.

My name then was Carol Bowyer, I have an older sister Janet and my Dads name was Walter Bowyer.

I remember Miss Lowey as headmistress of the Infant school and my reception teacher was Miss Wilson.  I remember the rocking horse in the reception class very well, my sister rocked so hard she went straight over the top and broke her front teeth!!

The people in my class that I remember were David Haywood, Lynne Butterworth (who I later met again when I went to King Ecgberts at 11).  I remember twins Pauline and Christine who won the pools and moved away!!  There was a family called the Archers but I can't remember which one was in my class.  There was a Mary and Linda and Dennis, I have a photo somewhere of a christmas concert we did, all the girls wore hats that we had made from a paper doily!!

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