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Workingmens Club's seaside daytrips.


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  • 4 months later...

I live in the stix in New Zealand and reading the different excellent pieces about the seaside trips brought many happy memories back to me.


Thse are the things you miss when you are in another country and it really makes the reading the Sheffield Forum worthwhile.


You can easily forget the argy bargy that takes place between contributors waffling on about free speech when you read such uplifting memories that this subject has aroused.


I thank everybody for the read and the memories I do hope you all had as good a time on those Working Men's trips as I did.


Happy Days!

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Pitsmoorboy / PopT, Cleethorpes with the Pitsmoor club on thetrain, spending money gone within the first hour. Then we used to walk round the machines that shoved money, and nudge them hoping for some to drop down. And check all the money trays of the one armed bandits just in case. After the regulation fish and chips it was either onto the sand, or back into the arcades, or Wonderland with the stall holders promising us that we'd get a prize even if we din't win.

BTW Pitsmoorboy, we have almost the same name, are we related?

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  • 1 month later...

I used to go on the trips with the arundel club when I was a kid got my tickets for virtually nothing as my dad used to be the drummer and my granddad was on the committee had some great times back in the 60's all queing up at the back of the club waiting for your coach to turn up and tring not to get on the same one as your mother, we used to get a pound to spend, a bottle of vimto and as many bags of crisps as we wanted.

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Highlight of the Cleethorpes trip with Pitsmoor WMC. for me was dinnertime, always the safe Caf'e. near the railway station, eat half of your snap then throw the rest at your mates. Buns and bacon flying through the air. Happy days (oh memories leave me alone)

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Guest poppins

We use to leave on the coach from a club opposite the Magnet pub, the Magnet was my Dads second home, and third and fourth ect. don't remember the name of the club though

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

As a clue let's say that I was a teenager when England won the world cup and the Owls lost to Everton at Wembley. and I used to drink in the Loco club and the fox & duck.

1966 Mate

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