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Plant theft - hope it dies on 'em!

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Had a plant my mum gave me, and the pot it was sat in, nicked from the front of my house. I was just trying to cheer the place up a bit :mad:

Does anyone have any theories as to why people passing who spot these things, think it is OK to walk through front gates and take such items? It perplexes me because these people are not burglars with a drug problem, but just opportunistic thieves who like plants, and no doubt consider themselves (incorrectly) to be much better than a burglar.

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When we first moved into our house (about 15 years ago) we planted 10 small conifer trees at the bottom of the garden, it backed onto a footpath, a few days later when I got up someone had nicked them! Could not believe it, the cheek.


The thieving so and so must have dug them up during the night.

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I used to have agreat big half barrel on my front garden. It was filled with half bricks at the bottom for drainage and then 120ltrs of soil on top then there was the weight of the great big Irises that lived in it. Needless to say the 5 students that tried to pinch it on their way home from the pub only managed to move it about 4 inches before one of there backs went and we heard them and released the hound :hihi:

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They flog all the stolen plants/ornaments at car boot sales (or so I'm told)


Some ***** stripped all the gardens around where I live a couple of years ago and the police said go to your local car boot sale and see if they are there. I wasn't too bothered about the plants i lost but some of the pots were pretty good and expensive to replace.

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If you can, it's possible to secure pots by feeding a chain through one of the drainage holes in the bottom, and chaining it to a manhole cover or something like that. Or get some long tent pegs, feed them through the hole at the bottom, and hammer well into the ground before filling the pot as usual. The pots will come up with a bit of force, but a more casual thieving scrote may think they are concreted down if they don't lift easily. :mad:

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I had a 6 foot Dracanea and pot taken form my garden about two years ago. The trouble was, Id put it there because it was getting too big for the room and the soil in the pot became infested with earwig eggs and LOTS of big, crispy woodlice while it was out there.


I hope the thieves had a nice surprise once their central heating hatched the eggs...

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Get a sign on the gate saying beware of the dog with a scarey looking hound on. They will be scared to come into your garden then incase they wake the dog up and your plants will be safe. :thumbsup:

Theivin scum :rant:

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a couple of years ago somebody took one of our bay trees but left the pot as it was bloody heavy.


thing is there where on foot, so it was somebody local, i followed the trail of dirt but it ran out after a while, they had to keep stopping to shake the dirt off:hihi:


it's sad though that you can't have anything these days without someone wanting to pinch it

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