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Plant theft - hope it dies on 'em!

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The thieving little so-and-so's. My mum and dad had two concrete planters nicked from in front of their house the other week, they were really heavy too, dont know how they managed them, someone told me dad that they have probably been sold at a boot sale by now.

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I've had numerous plants taken and usually they aren't thieves that fancy themselves as gardeners they are just thieves full stop,they have taken my plants and thrown them into the road and then smashed the pot, I suppose when they do it they think they're big and usually they are worse for drink, so now I don't put anything out so when it's idiots night out they aren't tempted.

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I've had numerous plants taken and usually they aren't thieves that fancy themselves as gardeners they are just thieves full stop,they have taken my plants and thrown them into the road and then smashed the pot, I suppose when they do it they think they're big and usually they are worse for drink, so now I don't put anything out so when it's idiots night out they aren't tempted.


That really sucks, Applegrim :( Definitely more annoying than them trying to make a few quid at a car boot sale, or wanting to brighten their own gardens up. I'm (foolishly, probably) trying not to let them force me to keep the front bare cos the odd plant or flower cheers me up when I return home.

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Had a plant my mum gave me, and the pot it was sat in, nicked from the front of my house. I was just trying to cheer the place up a bit :mad:

Does anyone have any theories as to why people passing who spot these things, think it is OK to walk through front gates and take such items? It perplexes me because these people are not burglars with a drug problem, but just opportunistic thieves who like plants, and no doubt consider themselves (incorrectly) to be much better than a burglar.


we had this a couple of times and then we had some spiteful or drunken got actually rip the fairy lights out of our tree one christmas - pity it wasnt switched on at the time. So annoying but short of putting an alarm on every planter, not a lot you can do - or maybe there is- try smearing vaseline or petroleum jelly all over the pot- then see them trying to lift it up! Apparently thats a good way of stopping slugs climbing up pots to eat plants as well.

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Some years sgo a freind of mine heard raucus behaviour and looked from the window to see two students trying to pull up a tree in his front garden !!


Unfortunatly for them he worked at the University and was easily able to identify them from the mugshots.


They were b*llocked by the people in charge. :D


Nice to have a happy ending.


Mind you. Hope they left the area when they qualified. Wouldnt fancy either of them being my GP:gag:

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i was up late one night watching a film down stairs & my partner was in bed. it was summer as i had the small window open on the bay window & the front door is right next to it. i could hear some lads outside talking & i heard one say "someone in there watching tv". 5 mins later i heard this bang on the window & went running upstairs to look out the bedroom window (too chicken to look out the bay). i saw two lads going in to a house down the road. didnt think anything of it untill the next morning, went to the paper shop & as walking back round the corner i noticed my hanging basket in the garden of where the lads went the night before.


went flying up to our house to tell the OH & he went down to that house & had a right go at them. they had pulled quite a few plants out & pulled flower heads off. they had just done it for "a laugh" but i'm sure people dont think about what they are doing, they are still living things that i have cared for & are quite expensive. my hanging basket gets locked to the wall now to stop people just having a "laugh", all though that dosent stop them pulling the flower heads off.


all those people who pinch plants & flowers, just grow your own you thefing gits, oh no, that too much like hard work isnt it!

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  • 5 years later...

Hi all,


I noticed this thread and thought some of you might want to get involved with a BBC Radio 4 feature we're doing on the You and Yours programme.


We're looking for people who have been victims of plant theft to talk about their experience. You need to be free at 4pm today to have a chat with John Neal but if you're interested please email Chris@cowpr.com explaining what happened to you, how much (in terms of £s) was taken and any other interesting facts about the theft.


Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.


All the best,



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