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Ridiculous rape laws...

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What worries me as a woman, is that any man can come along and rape a woman and in 99 times out a 100 he'll get away with it.


I wouldn't know about that Bonny but I do know that Lord Denning tipped the balance in favour of women and to my mind the courts have done the same ever since. I think women have the weight of law in their favour generally speaking, at least that is how it seems to me.

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It's a bit hard to do any of those things if you've crept into bed because you've had too much to drink .. and then come round to find some random bloke inside you ... sorry Grahame, he should have been punished, letting men like him off just sends out totally the wrong message. That women are prey to be used whenever you can catch them off guard. It's all wrong.


He wasn't a random bloke though Ruby although as Bago says it may have been a one night stand, but the issue was whether consent was given and as we were not there we don't know, all I am saying is the circumstances may indicte how the two people felt about each other?

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Personally, and I haven't had sex since my wife died, but I found it very difficult to have sex if she turned over or crossed her legs and there is no mention of a fight. Therefore it must have been with consent.

Many rape victims don't fight back for the very simple reason that men as you may have noticed tend to be bigger and stronger than women.


As such many rape victims correctly conclude that they have a better chance of getting through their ordeal alive/without a severe beating if they go limp and don't try to fight somebody much bigger and stronger than they are.


In fact many self defence classes for women specifically advise women not to fight back if it's clear they can't get away.

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You are right in what you say Bago, you always are. And I think in the end it boils down to one persons word against another. Seeing as none of us were there all we can do is to look at the situation?

Don't say that I am always right. I am merely pointing out what are the facts, and what are the implied opinions or scenario. If everyone don't work with the same things, then this world would be in chaos.


It does come across as boiling down one person's word against another. However, if I was a human being, and I knew that I seriously hurt another person, then I will apologise for it. Knowing how others are, makes me more mature in my learning and as a person.


Yes, you are right to say that since no-one is there at the actual moment, we are all postulating and making second guesses. However, we still have to take the aftermath and work with that to piece together the victim's point of view and the accused.


When I observe people I notice that women always seem to go around in groups and the fact these two had separated themselves off from the crowd, and the fact he was in her room willingly indicates a degree of consent don't you think?

Yes, I also see that some women prefer to be in groups, only because they feel somewhat intimidated by other males. Even myself, I do take such care too. I've done stupid things and went to a club on my own too in the past, but I always know that there would be people there who I do trust. Young and naive ignorances, that's me. I will admit that. The older I get, the more I see threads such as these and comments such as those shown here. Nobody really gives a true crap. They don't even look at the tiny clues, which are indicators. I actually am very glad that I had great friends at uni.


The fact that those two separated does not MEAN a single thing. I've slept on the floor of my males friends bedroom before. During uni time, there'll be parties and people do still have that intrinsic trust between themselves not to hurt one another, y'know?... People just don't do that! The fact that he could've been the ideal friend and took her home. Would've been nice. However, this didn't happen. Neither did the article mention whether the two had any romantic inclination previously before getting so drunk.


I have heard of horror stories of lowlifes taking advantages of girls drunk in a pile of coats. Yet others have kicked the crap out of him, but that kind of scenario is seriously taking the mick. It really is. You're saying that male individuals do not have self control, which is worrying. If that is what you seem to imply.

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Personally, and I haven't had sex since my wife died, but I found it very difficult to have sex if she turned over or crossed her legs and there is no mention of a fight. Therefore it must have been with consent.


I'm very sorry to hear about your wife Grahame. No disrespect meant here - but you are obviously a 'gentleman' and that is something to be proud of.


Unfortunately many people in this world are able to force other people to do things against their will, sometimes by use of violence, sometimes by conning them, tricking them, or taking advantage of them when they are vulnerable.


You obviously find it difficult to comprehend this because you are not that sort of person and consequently look for alternative ways of rationalising what happens - hence coming up with 'she must have let him'. I hope this doesn't come across as patronising, that's not how it's meant, it should come across as admiration for someone who has managed to avoid the squalid side of life.

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The message it sends out to me Ruby is to stay clear of all women.

No, the message is to take notice of when someone is seriously happy, and are thinking of the same wavelength as yourself, and that you should always communicate so both parties are clear!

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.....has the world gone mad, ive just read in the Daily Mail that a man has got away with rape BECAUSE SHE WAS DRUNK!


The judge let the lad off after admitting she was asleep when he raped her after a booze fueled night. So if a girls drunk and you decide to rape her its A-O.K nowadays.


SICKERNING. Ive honestly lost all faith in the law. Its discusting how such chargers can be droped!


That's not the story I saw reported.

The story I saw (not in a tabloid unfortunately) was that the man has been found not guilty on appeal because there is no evidence that the woman was incapable of giving consent. That was what the original prosecution hinged on.

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There's definitely a case for better sex education on this country ... this thread is proof in black and white.


Yes Ruby, that is true, but why not take it a step further and try for a higher standard of morality. The schools are giving sex education at earlier and earlier ages which seems to say it is alright to do it provided you take precautions? Now if people were not so promiscuous none of this would happen and personally I didn't have sex with my wife until we were married.

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