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Ridiculous rape laws...

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Well then don't whinge - merge them it to an "All men are ********" megathread :cool:


Whinge? I asked a question and made a comment. For your future reference as you seem to have problems with these concepts:


Whinge - "to complain fretfully: whine"


Comment - "A statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude."



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am I bovvered? You're right though, I'm sure a lot of us would rather be unpartnered forever, than stuck with someone with some of the outdated attitudes you find in some men.


But why are you taking it so personally? Have I hit a nerve or something? Surely you aren't guilty of having skewed attitudes towards women?


I will say this, I am no saint but I have the ability to learn from my mistakes and change my ways, and I hope I can continue to do this for the better.

I could comment further on your chauvanistic opinions but am undecided on whether or not to.

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As an aside is there any reason why I shouldn't pipe up when domestic violence et al threads appear? Are you trying to imply that because I'm male my input is invalid?


I might be implying that. I certainly notice that some men have a lot of input on threads about things to do with women. Some of you almost come across as trying to browbeat us into agreeing with your attitudes. As has happened on this thread with certain posters. It as though you can't or daren't allow our feelings or experiences to have any validity. I'm not sure you even know you're doing it.


I couldn't do that as I don't really have any opinions about how men feel or should feel about things ... because I don't really know much about how they feel about anything. Other than making sexist jokes or complaining about women drivers and implying that we should be cleaning or cooking or something, or trying to prove that as many women are violent and beat men to death, as men to do women, or that they're very new men indeed and never would do anything 'laddish' they don't tend to say much about anything personal.


If a young man was got drunk and then violated by another man, I'd feel just as outraged for him if the attacker got off on a technicality, so I'm not being partial towards my own sex, but I could empathise with him what it was like to undergo such a thing. I'm not sure that another man could, unless something similar had happened to him? Maybe I'm totally wrong about it but that's how I feel.

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Whinge? I asked a question and made a comment. For your future reference as you seem to have problems with these concepts:


Whinge - "to complain fretfully: whine"


Comment - "A statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude."




Nope, don't have any problems at all with those concepts at all. By having "co - admin" in your moniker I merely implies that you have a certain power to take actions if you find the same arguement is cropping up on numerous threads.


Lighten up a bit.

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Are you implying that in the case under discussion the issue of proving a crime is a mere technicality ruby?


Regarding your earlier comment about men, if you made a similar comment about coloured people, or muslims or jews you would be rightly a) shouted down and b) told to stop it.

No one reported your post, but are you really suprised that you get a rise when you acuse 50% of the population and the posters on the board of being rapists.

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Are you implying that in the case under discussion the issue of proving a crime is a mere technicality ruby?


Regarding your earlier comment about men, if you made a similar comment about coloured people, or muslims or jews you would be rightly a) shouted down and b) told to stop it.

No one reported your post, but are you really suprised that you get a rise when you acuse 50% of the population and the posters on the board of being rapists.


What are you talking about? Why is it that when anyone makes a comment about men maybe showing them in the not so perfect light they may prefer to bask in, it's a big deal to some and yet threads are started everyday criticising women and we're supposed to take it in good part? Is this now the part of the thread where I'm supposed to say that my comment was only meant in jest or tongue in cheek and that you have no sense of humour?


I don't think debate on a forum consists of people 'shouting one another down' and 'telling them to stop it', does it? If the scenario I outlined has never applied to you why are you so concerned? I'm merely posting a speculation about so called 'date rape'. If I'm wrong, let my own sex 'shout me down' about it. You should be taking what I say on board and examining your collective consciences, IMO, not shouting me down and telling me to stop it, which is what you seem to be trying to do.

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I do not think anyone would go into reporting rape lightly so therefore I do not think many claims are false.

Not many cases are proven which must be a nightmare for the woman who has plucked up courage to go through with it.

I once was on a jury for a rape case 9 men 3 women and was amazed at the difference in interpretations of the same case and how much it said about mankind.




Sorry for quoting my own post but this post is so long now I'm not sure that it will all be read.

When I said that the people on the jury approached the alledged rape from a different stance this included a range from loving relationships to total abstinence, taking 9 men, all strangers who were unwittingly revealing their veiws on the sex act as it related to them.

No one thought any of the jurers the worse for this and it taught me the vast difference not only between men and women on the subject but men and men.


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I might be implying that.


Well that further puts the lie to your claim that you aren't sexist!


I certainly notice that some men have a lot of input on threads about things to do with women. Some of you almost come across as trying to browbeat us into agreeing with your attitudes. As has happened on this thread with certain posters. It as though you can't or daren't allow our feelings or experiences to have any validity. I'm not sure you even know you're doing it.


I think that may be more to do with your perception than with what is actually going on. It seems to be quite common with bigots and extremists that when any sort of debate is entered into they see it as an attack rather than as debate.


I couldn't do that as I don't really have any opinions about how men feel or should feel about things ... because I don't really know much about how they feel about anything. Other than making sexist jokes or complaining about women drivers and implying that we should be cleaning or cooking or something, or trying to prove that as many women are violent and beat men to death, as men to do women, or that they're very new men indeed and never would do anything 'laddish' they don't tend to say much about anything personal.


Do you actually read the forum or do we have a tabloid version out there? If you bothered to cast your eyes round a bit you would find an awful lot of personal chat from men. Of course as this doesn't seem to fir with your preconcieved notion of men it may be a bit of a blindspot for you.


If a young man was got drunk and then violated by another man, I'd feel just as outraged for him if the attacker got off on a technicality, so I'm not being partial towards my own sex, but I could empathise with him what it was like to undergo such a thing. I'm not sure that another man could, unless something similar had happened to him? Maybe I'm totally wrong about it but that's how I feel.


No-one "got off on a technicality" Both parties were drunk and pretty incapable and certainly evidence given by either of them wouldn't be in any way convincing. This being the case how could a jury do anything but acquit? Unless of course you are proceeding from the basis of guilty until proven innocent?

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Maybe if you did not imply what you do towards men and hid your sexist views from the public, you might not be single.

If i was you, i would take this opportunity to look in the mirror and change your ways or your future could be a lonely one.


some women enjoy being single, you imply that it is an unsatisfactory state to be in, I am single as it happens, and to not know whatever might be round the corner is kinda exhilarating, I wouldn't say to married people it's all over for you now no more exciting anticipation, spine tingling times to come

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some women enjoy being single, you imply that it is an unsatisfactory state to be in, I am single as it happens, and to not know whatever might be round the corner is kinda exhilarating, I wouldn't say to married people it's all over for you now no more exciting anticipation, spine tingling times to come


true, i wasn't trying to imply it's an unsatisfactory state to be in, but i was trying to highlight that if you are looking for a partner being sexist and probably thinking of a man as an "x" inch long piece meat is not going to help your cause (not you btw).

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