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Ridiculous rape laws...

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I dont think they are saying that - just that there is a difference in bias between men and women. Which there may well be.
Thats the point of a jury but the judge will instruct you not to be biased and to judge the case on the facts.
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what about when they say yes but then say they said no?

Then assume no. What is so wrong in waiting? Are you in a hurry to go somewhere? Is the sex more for you, than for your partner? :confused:


Even if she was sure one moment, and not so sure another, then doesn't that say to you she is confused? Therefore either wait, or until certainty that she is indeed ready?


Why not have a cuddle?? I thought men were into cuddles. Or this all a myth?

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This sort of alleged "date" rape is difficult to prove. It is just his word against hers and the sad fact of the matter is that justice may not be served because of the lack of evidence.


But what is the alternative? Guilty until proven innocent- If an accusation is made then you have to prove that you had permission. It kind of takes the passion out of the moment when a bloke whips out a contract confirming you have given consent in flagrante delicto.


Unfortunatly the only thing a girl can do is her best not to get in to that situation because unfortunatly there are a lot of unpleasant people out there who dont worry about being prosecuted.


And for the men, there isnt really any excuse, if in any doubt ask.. if they dont answer yes then you dont have permission. If they do youll laugh about it in the morning and come across as a caring thoughtful bloke.


I was under the impression that the law had or is going to change so that the guy should have made a reasonable attempt to be sure the female consented to sex first. But it may not have, that may have been wishful thinking on my part.


Edit: I see someone has beat me too it and clarified and explained that point already.



The responsibility for rape always lies with the attacker. Nobody asks to be raped.

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Are you not reading my posts at all. You have again completely misread everything I am saying. The fact is bago that people crying wolf has and does happen, and seemingly contrary to what you beleive men are not the only sex that commit wrong doings.


I was merely debating the fact about girls lying. From what I have wrote you have taken that I think women are not affected emotionally, if they take men to court this means they are lying.


I am so confused and a little annoyed that in your replies you are cutting bits out that make me look bad when in actual fact (and I hope someone else agrees) my posts make perfect sense.


Whats this Big Brother Editing - Bago Style :hihi:


Any ways. Not one to cause a scene so im out of this thread for now but please please please. Re-read eveything I have said and try to understand what my point actually is and not what you want my point to be so you can argue.


i agree with you. its an emotional subject and hearts rule minds.

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why not scrap trial by jury. you two can sit on judgement and decide their fate. you're obviously some sort of god like power!

And why would you assume that? Hazel mentioned that in her experience, there were 7 male vs 3 female on the case. If those male jurors do not take into consideration the emotional aspect of the victim, and to actually look for clues and use their logical mind to seek more and further prove of the situation, then I don't doubt that the woman would not be suicidal, if she is indeed a true victim of such a crime.


At least 50:50 of both gender would've been good in such cases would be nice, but obviously, that's not how the system works.

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mikey 10

I did not say whether I agreed wiith them or not I just said that the responses to the subject were vastly different and gave me a tremendous insight into how the male mind works on discussing rape seriously with strangers. We all had our own knowledge to contribute all on an equal basis so I have no idea why you think I am judging anyone.

Have you read my posts on this thread.


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And why would you assume that? Hazel mentioned that in her experience, there were 7 male vs 3 female on the case. If those male jurors do not take into consideration the emotional aspect of the victim, and to actually look for clues and use their logical mind to seek more and further prove of the situation, then I don't doubt that the woman would not be suicidal, if she is indeed a true victim of such a crime.


At least 50:50 of both gender would've been good in such cases would be nice, but obviously, that's not how the system works.

Taking emotional aspect into consideration is not how a verdict should be reached in a criminal trial, as I keep saying it should be based on the evidence. She was either raped or not, how she feels is the reason for the crime of rape but not the evidence of it.
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You've obviously been asleep yourself if this is the first time you've heard of this part of the law regarding rape. If a women is delirously drunk, and so is the man, who's to say who gave consent and who didn't? Up until recently the law favoured and went the way of the women, giving the men absolutely no chance of a fair verdict.


It's all very easy for women to jump on the band wagon and demend any man accused of rape has his balls chopped off but what most don't understand is quite how being wrongly accused of rape can affect and ruin a mans life.


Accusing a man of rape is a very powerful weapon a women holds against men, it's about time the law recognised that accusation doesn't always mean guilt.

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