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Wedding day nerves

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i'm not sure i will be able to get much sleep the night before either! In my madness I have decided to do the flowers, decorate the reception, decorate the cake and make some of the cold food! Im planning to do all this the night before and the morning of the wedding.....:loopy::help::rolleyes:

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Am I unusual in that I didn't have any wedding nerves at all?


On the actual wedding day I spent the morning getting my nails done etc, and didn't see any of my family until the afternoon, I can remember feelin really calm, the only slight panic I had was when ther was a really long queue for the bus home and I couldn't see any taxi's.


When the wedding cars came I was excited but not at all nervous, the wedding was surreal, and it was all over in the blink of an eye!

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I had a minor disaster before my wedding day. The inlaws to be were supposed to be coming over from Germany the day before. Unfortunately, they got to the airport late, having been stuck in traffic and missed their flight. They then discovered that the son's passport had run out, so they had to get that renewed (obviously a lot quicker than here). They were given another flight but that got cancelled. They then rang to warn my husband but he was already on his way to Manchester to pick them up and my German is pretty rubbish! Then they got a flight the following morning to bring them to us, but this was diverted to London. They transferred to Manchester (unfortunately their baggage didn't follow them) and arrived one hour before the wedding. In the meantime, I had to ring round all my friends to round up some suitable clothing for them to borrow. I was also panicking because my sister in law, a florist was bringing my bouquet, so mum and I had to hurtle down to Crystal Peaks to buy some flowers, in case they didn't turn up in time. Just as well my mum is good at flower arranging!


My brother who was to give me away, also didn't turn up until late in the night before, so my Mum was preparing to step in.


With all this going on, I didn't really have time to get scared about the actual wedding!

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I was nervous as hell on the morning of my wedding. At about 6am, I drove up to the peaks and spent an hour or so on my own thinking about stuff - with this view (higger tor), albeit at dawn on a beautiful summer's day:




It worked wonders, also helped clear a bit of a thick head from the night before!!!!

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  • 4 years later...

I didn't feel nervous or worried at all, even on the day. But I didn't think about what could go wrong, so maybe that's why! However, my Mum was panicking a bit on the day as she lost some jewellery she wanted to wear. I seemed to be the calmest of the lot.

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