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Bassline Lovers/cream Allniter


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I love Vibe, love the music and the majority of people are always ok.. There are too many gangster type people in there, but ive found if you stick to either the dancefloor or around the bar area you dont meet many of those types of people anyway. The bouncers, i think, are pretty quick sorting out any trouble but sometimes i get the feeling some of the bouncers are more shadier than some of the people in there lol..

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I used to really enjoy vibe but last Hanky Panky was very dissapointing. I started going to niche 7 years ago and really enjoyed it, people were friendly, everyone had a good time (I know the venue has since changed). The Music is good but you do get people thinking they are something their not and causing trouble. I know the Security deal with incidents well but there is a minority that spoil it for others.

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