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Boxing Calzaghe V Manfredo

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Actually on paper it was a good fight...Manfredo beat Pemberton who was 19-0 before he lost to him..Manfredo also beat a guy Calzaghe was meant to fight next .......Also Manfredo was never hurt at all ,,, ,,sometimes fighters take a bit of time to warm up....HE WAS DUCKING AND WEAVING WHEN IT GOT STOPPED FOR GODNESS SAKE!!! it was after all only the third round out of 12! ...


ducking and weaving or not, he was still get clobbered and wasn't answering back...i agree it was maybe stopped early, but i also agree with the others that it was a onesided mismatch...even on paper

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Total mismatch and so was Khans. When will the so called promoters stop nurse maiding their precious champions with inferior fighters ? :rant:


Welcome to the world of PRO Boxing.

The big ticket sellers are always given the easier matches to "build up their profile".

Happens to a lesser extent on some kickboxing shows too.

Im very proud of the fact that at AFK promotions all our match ups are fair fights and are REAL fights.


I was at a kickboxing show recently (at the octagon) where an experienced instructor was matched against a relative novice. If you saw the match you would know which one i am on about.

The novice did quite well mind you, mainly due to the fact that this "black belt" was so glass jawed he should be a chandelier :P

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Boxing Vs MMA?


I used to love boxing, make no mistake. I got turned off through pure frustration. For example, I saw Enzo fight about 2-3 years ago, he looked awesome, yet here he is, still fighting opponents who don't even put up a friggin' fight. What's the point? That guy's hands take no prisoners, he could have gone up against, and beaten so many worthy opponents by now.


Same with Kahn, same with Calzaghe. Bad decisions, ****e match-ups, sporadic fights, random start times, never knowing which channel is showing what, advertisements between rounds. . I just cannot be arsed anymore, frankly.


Especially when UFC and K1 are so damn good


Comparison. Andre Orlovski, like Enzo, also looked great a couple of years ago. Except he's now had a Heavyweight Title rivalry going on with Tim Silvia which matches Benn Vs Eubank for pure compulsive viewing. And that's not to mention all of the other quality opponents that have been thrown his way.


Another example, with a record of 12 and 0, Khan in MMA would have had title shots by now. Frank Warren on the other hand has Khan's entire career planned out. If the flamin' lad is young hungry and talented. . . get him in there against the best!!

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Frank Warren had no intention of putting the british fighters with exceptional fighters...Why? cus they where on HBO and the american public where watching and ourt fighters had to look goood to get a chance over there...simply great promoting if you ask me

Not much cop for the paying public though, apart from that do you think anyone watching such stuff would be hoodwinked as easily as that ?

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Although Manfredo didn't look to be really hurt if he isn't fighting back then the fight should be stopped. You could see the ref in the background wondering what to do - it didn't look like he wanted to stop it, especially with it being a title fight but the lad was getting a pasting with no reply. If he hadn't stopped it then it would very probably would have ended in the next 30 seconds or so anyway. All he's done is stopped Manfredo getting hurt and if he can't fight back he's got nothing to moan about - he's supposed to be a boxer not a punch bag.


Khan looked impressive but it will be good to see him against a better opponent.


Maccarinelli's power is just scary, Gunn didn't have a hope in hell.

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I hear everybody saying that he did'nt fight back soo the ref was righ to stop it....does anybody remember a certain fight between Mohammad Ali and george Foreman .......or even calzaghe's fight against lacy?........why dint both of them get stopped by ref???! .. ...and did Ali not come back several rounds later and knock foreman out?? not saying manfredo could but at least give the kid a chance...

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I went to watch this fight and the atmosphere was amazing. I said that i would be surprised if it lasted 5 rounds! it was a total mis match, easy money for Calzaghe tho!


In the boxing programme it advertised that a new contender will be starting US V UK, cant wait for this!


Looking forward to the next big fight, Mayweather!

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