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NY Sushi - Anyone on here remember it?


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Many moons ago a group of us used to head down from Bradford every Friday for NY Sushi at the unit. Upon moving to South Yorkshire a few years ago I couldn't for the life of me locate where the Unit used to be. Does anyone know what it is now?


Also, did anyone on here used to go? It used to be great. Mad drum n bass at NY Sushi on a Friday night then off to Back to Basics on a Saturday for some rockin house. Those were great weekends.

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Yeah thats right, it is now the Corporation behind the Devonshire Cat.


I used to love NYSushi on a friday night. The best club night Sheffield had, plus The Tuesday Club back when it was ace.


If i remember rightly NYSushi died a slow death. Became a monthly event, then got moved around a few venues, but numbers weren't good so it shut.

Those were the days.

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The Unit is where Corporation now is I think.


That's right, The Unit was closed down in about 2001 or 2002, then became the Corporation about 3 or 4 years ago. For a while around 99/2000 I used to go to NY Sushi pretty much every weekend. Great days :thumbsup:


God I sound like an old codger.


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We went every week when it was at the Music Factory, used to live for Friday nights. When it moved to the Unit, the vibe changed for me and only went to a couple. Mind you that was where I started to paint live in amongst the mayhem so bitter sweet memories I suppose.


The Big Bangs rocked.


Thought the true d'n'b vibe had gone forever and then we discovered Subdub and Transmission at the west Indian Centre in Leeds :) restored my faith and banished my fear that I was beginning to fall out of love with the music.


It's a 30 mile trip but jeez it's worth it - I am a junglist til I die :)

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