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Engerland -time to stand up

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What is wrong with so called England managers?

After watching my beloved national side i am lost for words on how they are so robotish.

If a team plays 9 men within five yards of the 18 yard area what do you do for 70 mins? Yes you try to play thro' them.

I sit and wonder at the excellent individual players we have are waisted on inept managers to suit the ageing FA.

For me it nearly makes me cry with annoyance.


This is not arrogance, this is not racist.

The people that watch England numbers sometimes up to 30 million.

Should this figure say something to the government?

We should DEMAND a team and a manager that gives us not the oil in Araq but the World cup the European Champs and any mother f--king cup that can be won.

We should not take sh-t any more. How much money has been taken from supporters up and down the land in supporting our NATIONAL GAME ?

The government should take control and appoint THE best manager in the world and contribute more funds to the developement of grassroots football without any contribution from anyone. We can fund wars for the yankee way of living but we cant find a way to get what is most important for the many football fans in this country.

And they wonder why we sometimes cause trouble abroad.

There is a massive social issue here, one that some people want to ignore.

Shall the government/lottery, fund football or shall they fund the ROYAL albert hall, the dome, the LONDON olympics, shall i carry on?

We know where the money is most important and it is not the game that most of us love.:mad: :mad:

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WOW, now that is a RANT!! Why should the government fund football when the FA get god knows how many billions from TV money each year that goes straight into the pockets of the big clubs? How much money was thrown at Brazilian football development yet they seem to do alright. It's because of coaches stifling creative talent to drill them in the ways of certain set plays and formations that they turn into the 'robots' you mention.


The FA need to get things right at a local level before bothering about the National team so that clubs like Rotherham aren't having bucket collections because they are going out of business. Would you have bothered following the national team if there wasn't a local team for you to support to start with? You tell me this what would be more important to you, United winning the Premiership/Champions League or England winning the World Cup? I'd bet 9 times out of 10 most football fans would want the best for THEIR team because it was that club that got them hooked on the beautiful game in the first place.


So what we invented the game, we invented Cricket & Rugby and look whats happened there (admittedly they've had the odd blip here and there where they've actually won something!). Why not throw money at these as well then as millions of people follow these sports? Or is it because you don't follow those sports then hey sod em.


All i can say is don't believe the hype. This England team has been hyped up for years by the media as being world beaters when they clearly aren't. This current situation is all of the medias own making anyway. They hounded out one of our more successful managers Eriksson (who manged to qualify us for every tournament we entered) and Beckham who i feel can still do a job at international level. See as the song goes 'You don't know what you've got til it's gone!'

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Right about Beckham but as for Eriksson he couldn't take us that extra little bit that would have given us finals or even cups.

The reason i mentioned the government is because we have a minister for sport who can tell the FA they are fu--ing up and get their act together.

The government worked with the olympic movement and British Athletics to get the games to London and will be funding this.

In my honest opinion the FA should deal with internal cup competitions,international games and grassroots football.

We should have the best manager in the world managing the national side regardless of who he manages now, regardless of his nationality and regardless of his salary but most importantly the government should sort out the media as the FA simply aren't capable.

What i am getting at is the government should be more involved and say to the FA start getting it right or we shall intervene.

The national side creates so much feeling with a majority of football loving people that a major shake up of how we deal with it in this country is a must.

My blueprint would be Scholari as first team coach with Venables as his assistant, Dario Gradi would be in charge of the youth set up from 12 year old upwards with a full team manager like Coppell for the under 21's.

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