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Did anyone go to Western Rd. school


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I remember Miss Lindley and Miss Middleton, Mrs Perry who taught singing and spent a lot of time teaching us to "Breathe".

I think the headmasters name was Burnett.

We used to walk up the road to the annexe for History lessons in a freezing cold church type building.

I think there was a Mr North and a Mrs Wilkinson also in the senior school.

Can still remember the smell of gas in the laboratory and all the bunsen burners lined up.

I was in Bronte house and there was Nightingale,Chantrey and was the fourth house called Frith or Firth? Just can't remember.

Miss Greene was unforgettable, eyes like steel.

Don't remember much about the Juniors except that the Dentist was down below at playground level.The tuck shop outside the gate, on the corner was Dales.

Does anyone remember walking past the potted meat factory on the way to play hockey on the Bolehills?

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The potted 'dog' factory on Western Road is called Binghams and is part of the Northern Foods enterprise.

Dales, the tuck shop, from where I bought many football 'bubble-gum' cards was on the corner of Springvale Road and Mona Avenue. There was also a tuck shop on Leamington Street at the bottom of Warwick Street, very near to where the Chinese student was killed in a house fire last Autumn. Such corner shops have now been converted to flats.

I have a 1959 photo of Miss Exley's class taken in that bottom yard by the dental practice but I don't know how to move it from "My pictures" on to this site?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Went to westrn rd school in 1965.I can remember miss Green,a very old fashioned school ma'am with her hair always done up in a bun.

There are a few teachers i can remember,Mr Henstock who used to like to use a rather large slipper,Miss Ambler who used to like to smack you,Mrs marshall the music teacher.I can't remember the names of any of the other teachers.

Ido remember that when you did p.e you always ended up with wooden splinters in your hands & knees off the wooden floor.

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  • 1 year later...

I remember Mr. Nutting, lived up either Stanningtonview or Midfield, with his mother - a bit limp wristed - once caned me for moving after the whistle went at "playtime"; do you recall that ? When the whistle went everybody has to freeze.


Mr. Bowmer, ah yes, very firm but fair; slim, specs and a small moustache ,used to ride a push bike with a cyclemaster winged wheel; had a short thick cane called Archie - very free with it to.


I remember been given the stick insects to look after for the school hols; hated the things and they all escaped, got all over the house.


I'm sure more memories will come; odd how we all remember the cane ! Don't think it did me any harm, but not sure it did me much good. We certainly had discipline and would never dream of behaving the appalling way schoolkids do today.

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There must be some of my contempories in these messages. I remember Miss Eyre,Miss Exley and Mr. Martin from the junior school who was always very kind and patient. I saw Miss Green as late as the 1980's and she looked just the same. I loved school then but was a bit overawed at High Storrs.

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