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Did anyone go to Western Rd. school


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I attended western rd infants juniors and senior school and left school at 15 as the school closed and all my year pupils that stayed on went to the newly built crosspool secondary modern.the year 1965. on first joining school the large playground belonged to the infant school i believe it is now used as the hall for school dinners and just a few classrooms.The junior school had the dentist underneath this is now the nurseryand upstairs first school ..............The largest of the building with the glass roof some of which blew in during the gale of1963? cant remember but it was fun climbing over trees on springvale rd going through all the connecting doors to get to the loo without using the hall no mention of days off due to health and safety regulations ,laugh and get on with it.My children also attended westways as it became and we had three children in school when we moved out of sheffield,i would like to note my daughter had one of my teachers teaching her when she got to middle school at thirty plus she still put the fear of god up me. will close now and keep checking site

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I'm sure I was in Miss Exley's 4A. Maybe the year after you. Top of our class was always Clifford Alsop who lived at the vicarage on the corner of Western Road and the road where St. Timothy's was on. I also remember James Ellis passing the 11 plus to go to King Teds along with Clifford.





James Ellis at King Ted's - end of lower middle row.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
I have just joined the Forum. Still in touch with Phil Adams, Bob Smith, and a few more of the Bolehills lads.Still living up Crookes. Ufortunately Roy Jessop died some months ago in Loughborough I believe. Lonney.


Hi Pete

I remember you well. Hope you remember me from the good old days on the Bolehills. I also remember Phil and Barry Adams, Dave Bennison - what a good player and Rob Smith playing in his winkle pickers and flash jeans.The harris's and Royden and of course Roy.

Best regards

Geoff Worth

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I'll do the first one for now (Miss Bramhall's class) apologies if I can't remember!

Back Row: Gillian Oldale, Christine Smith, Pamela Cowling, Jennifer Allen, Diane Gammons, Marilyn Bowley, Susan Messenger, Wendy Wells, ? , Susan Askin,

3rd Back: C M Ellis (head), John Smith, Roger Foster, Michael Hattersley, Keith Rogers, Nicholas Wood, Granville Marshall, William Hattersley, Michael Hunter, Peter Hitchborne, Jennifer Ellison, Vivian Hall, Miss Bramhall.

2nd Front: Jennifer Pinder, Robert O'Neill, John Clayton, ? , Roger Ellison, Tony Staniforth, David Wright, Barry Adams, Peter Goodyear, Chris Greenfield, Chris Brown (lived on Cobden).

Front: Donald Buttrell, Ann Sampson, Sally Rollitt, Dorothy Holmes, Nora Beard, Linda Cook, Diane Rowbotham, ? Throstle, Susan Eccles, Julia LLoyd and Roger Oliver.


Robert O'Neill is my brother-in-law and lives in Dinnington now. Two children and one grandchild. He had two older brothers Michael and Edward. Mick lost his leg in a motorcycle accident and Eddie died about 10 years ago.

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Hello Geoff, of course I remember you. In fact I think it was your bike I wreckred when I came off on the cycle track round the cookhouse. It cost me 1/6d at Ernie Holdens to have 3 spokes put back in. Hope you are keeping well. I have just taken Edgar Blagden out for ameal. He has been laid up for about 10 years now with chronic back pain. Bob Smith told me about this site. I am glad he did. Pete

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Hello Geoff, of course I remember you. In fact I think it was your bike I wreckred when I came off on the cycle track round the cookhouse. It cost me 1/6d at Ernie Holdens to have 3 spokes put back in. Hope you are keeping well. I have just taken Edgar Blagden out for ameal. He has been laid up for about 10 years now with chronic back pain. Bob Smith told me about this site. I am glad he did. Pete


Hi Pete

I remember Edgar well. Please pass on my best wishes.

Talking about the cook house, do you remember when most of us youngsters were taken in by a guy who worked there. He said he was Joe Nibloe and joined in with our games of football between the cook house and the changing rooms. He turned out to be called Brian. I remember that he rated Denis Collingswood as a good player and kind of intimated that he could get him a trial at the Lane. I have mention Dave Bennison on this site before without response. Was it only me that thought he was a really good player?


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