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Making and flying kites...

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I made kites in the late 1940's.......some flew, most didn't, but wasn't it fun? :)


Two pieces of cane....some newspaper, lots of string and a weight to balance the tail according to wind strength.....anything would serve for perfect aerodynamics, a strong wind and a decent stretch of grass to run on for the launch and Bingo it either worked or it crashed dismally into the ground!


Guess what? All the little "darlings" can have lessons in kite-building next week at Boston Park Castle, off Moorgate, Rotherham! :o


I didn't need lessons, just a few bits and pieces of scrounged materials, a desire to succeed and oceans of "the right stuff" to cope with failure most of the time.


Here is the latest "comfort zone" article designed to mollycoddle the kids of today..........


SheffieldToday online

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I used to attach string to bread bags to use as kites when I was little. Then again, I clearly wasn't particularly inventive :hihi: .


Kite-making lessons is an excellent idea for getting the little buggers away from the TV and out into the parks! There are loads of different types of kites to make, and it says in the article that all the materials are provided. I don't see your problem with it :huh: .

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I used to attach string to bread bags to use as kites when I was little. Then again, I clearly wasn't particularly inventive :hihi: .


Kite-making lessons is an excellent idea for getting the little buggers away from the TV and out into the parks! There are loads of different types of kites to make, and it says in the article that all the materials are provided. I don't see your problem with it :huh: .


Hecate.....I didn't need an article in The Star, and a lesson in making the bl**dy things........


If you are all for being institutionalised.......that's your problem, not mine!


We were living in an age where spoon-feeding was unnecessary....maybe you weren't..........:cool:

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Institutionalised? It's kite-making lessons!


The Star article says that children and adults can learn about it from the experts, so presumably they're talking about making kites using fabric, which is a bit of a skill.


My mum taught me how to knit, and I made a few plasticine pots as a kid too. That doesn't preclude me taking the odd knitting or pottery class to see how the experts do it.

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Institutionalised? It's kite-making lessons!


The Star article says that children and adults can learn about it from the experts, so presumably they're talking about making kites using fabric, which is a bit of a skill.


My mum taught me how to knit, and I made a few plasticine pots as a kid too. That doesn't preclude me taking the odd knitting or pottery class to see how the experts do it.


So...perfection in design is something to be applauded....we can't allow kids to be "failures" can we?


Get real, Hecate.........these are kids!


Give them some newspaper pages, some string, a bl**dy pebble to weight the tail.........


It'll work, or it won't.......that's the way one learns, not some bl**dy expert telling them what to do, how to achieve it, with no brain input from the kids.


Using your system of achieving perfection does them no good.......life ain't perfect......they need to learn from their experience of the simple things in life, at their age!.

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So...perfection in design is something to be applauded....we can't allow kids to be "failures" can we?


Get real, Hecate.........these are kids! ...

Where did I say anything about perfection in design or not allowing kids to be 'failures'? :huh:


It's an opportunity for kids and adults to get outside and learn something they might not previously know. Yes, you can improvise a kite, but some kids and adults might want to see what goes into making a kite they might buy in the shops, and how to make different sorts of kites.


Having a class in kite-making doesn't destroy their creativity and ability to improvise. Kids can go to all sorts of classes: exercise, ballet, art - anything! Of course they can improvise their own exercises, dancing and painting, but they might want to have the occasional class too, you know, for fun?

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Where did I say anything about perfection in design or not allowing kids to be 'failures'? :huh:


It's an opportunity for kids and adults to get outside and learn something they might not previously know. Yes, you can improvise a kite, but some kids and adults might want to see what goes into making a kite they might buy in the shops, and how to make different sorts of kites.


Having a class in kite-making doesn't destroy their creativity and ability to improvise. Kids can go to all sorts of classes: exercise, ballet, art - anything! Of course they can improvise their own exercises, dancing and painting, but they might want to have the occasional class too, you know, for fun?


Have it your way, Hecate..I'll pull out of this thread....


I don't wish to argue with you.....my nose is not so far up in the air as yours obviously is!


Let's not bother letting kids these days make independent decisions, calculations and experiments for themselves.....some of them may get despondent/feel unworthy/shamed at their unsuccessful tries to make a simple kite fly/gain a university degree in aeronautics or have to suffer the slightest depression from trying something which may give them a feeling of failure, unworthiness or value in this Brave New World...as seemingly the likes of you seem to believe in..........


Hail the New World Order!.......Independent thought and experiment outside the Neocon Agenda is "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!"



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Brave New World? New World Order? Have you been on the sherry? They're kite-making lessons. A bit of fun!


::wanders off scratching head::



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Brave New World? New World Order? Have you been on the sherry? They're kite-making lessons. A bit of fun!


::wanders off scratching head::




No....I am totally sober.......so don't come that one......you're too young for this Section anyway......so....just do one!


ps the Report post button is South East...you'll find it if you feel the need.....................

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Stop rowing. Both of you. You are getting like my Old Lass.

Another thing, 'Shoeshine'. Do you really think that you can ever win a argument with a woman?!!! I've never won one yet (over fifty odd years)

Get thi sen back tu makin thi kites - I did, out of grease proof-paper and two garden canes.

In my younger days on the Manor Estate we use to fly them for hours off the bankside that was at the end of Waltheof Road.

Did anyone else?

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