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Story: 'Top Prize' by Redrobbo

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From Redrobbo:


I've rattled off a quick short story tonight: “Top Prize.”


Earlier this evening, I was recounting a memorable boat trip that I'd

undertaken with a friend and my daughter. It gave me the idea of

recounting the event in a short story. Much of what I relate in this account

actually happened, save for the boat breaking down.


But the mini-bus driver getting lost, the two women who refused to leave the pub, the wailing woman, the guy with the minor head injury, the bad dose of diarrhoea, the flocking to the open hatch for fresh air, and the food poisoning (speeded up in this

account) all happened! Even counting seven ducks actually happened!


It what turned out to be a never to be forgotten event!


All names have been changed to protect the innocent!


Regards Redrobbo


PS I've certainly caught this writing bug now!


Top Prize.

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