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Is suspending kids from school with certain hairstyle justified?


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Personally I think the only reason to suspend is if the hairstyle causes distruption. Like a mohican in red for example. it takes the kids attention away from their studies.


Long ahir shouldn't really be a problem as long as it is neat and tidy, probably tied back. They don't suspend girls for having long hair? Same for braided and skinhead Iw ould have thought?



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I think it is a question of time and place. There is plenty of time for weird haircuts later in life. But I believe school should be about socialisation. Children need to be able to follow rules - it is good for then because it makes them feel secure and valued.

Schools are going back to uniforms and strict rules about hairstyles because they have found that it works. The pupils feel a part of something rather than an individual alone in a sea of difference.

I think we are seeing the tail-end of thatcherism in this. Parents who were children of the eighities forcing their sense of indiviualism on their offspring. It is important to foster a sense of community with our children otherwise we will be the architects of their misery.

I have seen children sporting dos that their parents have imposed on them because they thought it would be cool to have a kid with that particular cut. I have seen the pain this can cause. Simillarly, I have seen 13 - 14 yr olds with tatoos obviously sanctioned by their parents.

When I was that age (a few summers ago now) I wanted to do lots of things but my parents always said 'as long as you live in my house you follow my rules.' At the time I thought it was unfair but looking back I am so glad they held me off until i was ready to make my own stamp on the world without looking a complete ****.

I think that is what schools should do. A school kid should follow the rules and if not shoud be excluded. Its not about haircuts in a sense but about giving children the chance to be children and not entertaining this idea that they grow up so quickly!

And it not an issue about whether the hair is neat and tidy. I have seen kids with acceptable hairstyles that are not neat and tidy. That is a separate issue about poverty.


When children are at school they should follow the rules or am I getting old before my time?:(

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Err... wouldn't it be deemed 'politically correct' to allow a red mohican, not to ban one? :huh:


Or is just 'politically correct' to bash on about 'political correctness'?



Personally, I totally agree with miniminch. :thumbsup: Give the little runts a proper short back n sides until they are 16!

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I agree with Tony on the bit about it being more in line with Thick as Pigpoo Brigade thinking to ban individuality rather than PC.


As to the hair, let 'em have it how they like, they'll probably have to conform at some point in their lives so let them think they're being rebels while they're young.

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It would have been the norm a fair few years ago but times have changed and I don't think it matters that much in schools. However, in a customer facing position it would be deemed unprofessional by some. People still judge on appearances unfortunately.

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