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Story: 'Scarborough 1943' - childhood memories


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We normally go to the North Bay area on our outings, Falls.....having told my wife about your reminiscences about the beach there being mined, she said she'd think twice about going on the same beach again. :hihi:


And...the cafe you mention......it is still there, I think. It's the one we always go to when we visit Scarbro......it offers excellent service with a reasonable menu range, and adjoins a Chippy under the same ownership I believe. Of course we more or less treat ourselves to their Scarboro Fish and Chips each time we visit the cafe. :)

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We normally go to the North Bay area on our outings, Falls.....having told my wife about your reminiscences about the beach there being mined, she said she'd think twice about going on the same beach again. :hihi:


And...the cafe you mention......it is still there, I think. It's the one we always go to when we visit Scarbro......it offers excellent service with a reasonable menu range, and adjoins a Chippy under the same ownership I believe. Of course we more or less treat ourselves to their Scarboro Fish and Chips each time we visit the cafe. :)




I haven't been to Scarborough for ages, so don't know what things are like now. The Corner Cafe was, as its name suggests, right on the corner at the end of the Marine Drive. If you went around the corner, say from the North Bathing Pool, you were heading for the beach huts and eventually, you would end up in Scalby(?) Mills.


It must have been a fine looking building in the beginning. It had a curved facade, or what was left of it in my childhood, built in stone quarrried locally. It had some of the appearance of a roman building.


In the 1930's, it had a reputation, so I'm told, for good food and service. It was was a place where people went to dine and be seen. It may have been owned and run by a private company but after the war, I think it was taken over by Scarbrough council.


Incidentally, the stone for the original Corner Cafe may ( and its a big "may")have come from what is now Peasholm Park. My Dad remembered Peasholm when it was a quarry (possibly a worked-out quarry by his time), before the Park was created.


I always liked Peasholm. Don't know if its still good or been let-go.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Falls,


Many thanks for that informative and interesting story, reminiscences like this are great, you do such a good job of conveying what you saw it’s almost like time travel.


From my most recent visit I can confirm that Peasholm park hasn’t been let go at all, its well maintained, is full of flowers and attracts thousands of visitors each year.


One of the main attractions in the summer is the Naval wargames that take place on the boating lake, my kids absolutely loved it, as you can hear on this clip uploaded to Youtube (This was shot in 2001)


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Hi Falls,


Many thanks for that informative and interesting story, reminiscences like this are great, you do such a good job of conveying what you saw it’s almost like time travel.


From my most recent visit I can confirm that Peasholm park hasn’t been let go at all, its well maintained, is full of flowers and attracts thousands of visitors each year.


One of the main attractions in the summer is the Naval wargames that take place on the boating lake, my kids absolutely loved it, as you can hear on this clip uploaded to Youtube (This was shot in 2001)



Thanks for the video - I found it very entertaining. Glad to hear that the old park is still in good shape.


Does Peasholm still have the bandstand out in the lake? In my childhood, band concerts on Sunday afternoon were the big thing. The seating on the terrace/ampitheatre used to be packed. I liked the way that members of whatever band was to play (usually Army or Royal Marines in my time), had to be rowed out to the bandstand a few at a time. I was always expecting one of them to fall in but it never happened.


Whoever designed the park, with the original oriental theme, must have had a good imagination. Credit was also due to the good Burghers of Scarborough to have the courage to go through with it.


Now everything seems to be made in rough concrete and/or plaster board.



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Hi Falls,


Yes the Bandstand is still there, I think you get a brief glimpse of it at 1:30 in the video.


On thing we didn’t capture was the sang froid of the local swans who disdainfully ignore all the explosions going on in their pond, just swimming gracefully around the edges whilst the simulated carnage takes place.

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Nice bit of nostalgia there Falls.

I was a product of the baby boom and so missed all that (thankfully some may say) but we still had masses of bombed out buildings in Sheffield to explore, a heaven for us kids, beats the hell out of the PS2 or Nintendo.

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