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Do you forget people's names?


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Do you forget people’s names?


Say you known them for years and all of a sudden you forget what their name is and can't bare to tell them what it is.


Worst still, you call them by someone else's name.


Have this ever happened to you?

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Yeah .... funnily enuff that just happened to me.


I called a mate (male) and his missus answered and I said "oh, hi Nicola ... is Paul there ...".




His ex was called Nicola, and his new wife (of like 5 years) is called Sara.


Wot is worse is that I do this every time I call and she answers ... and I can never remember her name after I call her Nicola.


But hey ... wots in a name !!!?

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I've got a wotchacallit like that in my house, too.


Actually, I'll always remember when I used to frequent the Victoria pub on Gleadless Road - 'The 'Roundhouse' to give it its more popular name - one of the old regulars always used to call me 'Les', for some unknown reason.


This went on for years - I didn't have the heart to tell him.


In the end I quite got used to the name.

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I've got what's-her-name, three thingies (two at school and one at college), five how's-yer-fathers (three of which are kittens) and a couple of whatevers in a tank.


Coincidentally Sam M., a bloke in a pub always used to call me Les. "Les 'ave another." ..... "Les get a curry."..... "Les share a taxi."

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My dad's friend calls every woman Pauline. He cannot remember their names so just got into the habit of calling every woman the same thing. It annoyed my mum cos she says she is positive he knows her name but does it just to wind her up. His marriage went down the toilet when he called his wife Pauline. After 20 years of being wed she was not very happy that he either forgot her name or couldn't be bothered to use it. She became another Pauline like all the others.

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I meet loads of people every day at work but can only remember a few of there names. This get embarrasing when I bump into them in the street.


Its easy for them, theres only one of me but in total there are seventy nine thousand of them !!!!


They always start with a smile and a " hello, hows your family" etc then Im stood there thinking 'is this a customer or one of Mrs Dary's friends, or does this person think Im someone else'.


It happened in Morrison's in Rotherham a few years ago, this nice but heavily pregnant lady was chatting away to me at the cooked chicken counter telling me all about her pregnancie and the trouble they were having getting the right shade of paint for the back bed room , and Im stood there thinking who is this mad woman.


The week after Im working in her house just out the back of Morrisons, a house which Ive been to five or six times before, feeling very stupid. "You didnt have a clue who I was did you" she laughed.


" No but did you find that paint you were after?"

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