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Do you forget people's names?


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I'm not bad with names - just have trouble putting them to right faces..I'm more likely to do something like - open the fridge..stop..and try to remember what it is I'm after!


I'm frequently called Sophie by my dad...not a problem you might think but that's the name of the dog...maybe he's trying to tell me something...?

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I have done this.... When i moved to Bournemouth i started working in a Bowling Alley... never in a million years did i think i would come face to face with an old school friend wanting to go Bowling in Bournemouth...


She stood there and i sat there as i was the receptionist at the time lol we both looked at one another couldnt believe it... coming face to face after so many years... we started chatting but couldnt for the life of us think of each others name... So we then embarrassed ourselves in asking one anothers name lol


Just glad it wasnt one sided lol

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My auntie used to recite through the names of all the male members of our family before remembering what I was called.


"Mark, Steven, Craig, Phillip, Chris, Andrew..." :D



Sometimes at work we'll be trying to think of someone's name, and nobody can remember, then it gets under your skin, and despite there being no reason for needing to know that person's name, all work is abandoned until it has been discovered. Sometimes this involved drastic measures like finding old records from our archives or phoning up members of staff who've worked there since 1700 in the hope they'll remember. Why do we do it? :confused:

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Originally posted by Andy

My auntie used to recite through the names of all the male members of our family before remembering what I was called.


"Mark, Steven, Craig, Phillip, Chris, Andrew..." :D



Sometimes at work we'll be trying to think of someone's name, and nobody can remember, then it gets under your skin, and despite there being no reason for needing to know that person's name, all work is abandoned until it has been discovered. Sometimes this involved drastic measures like finding old records from our archives or phoning up members of staff who've worked there since 1700 in the hope they'll remember. Why do we do it? :confused:


I have to admit... I am the same... down tools/stop talking until i remember what i am trying to think of lol I even have to go through my ABC's I know its that sad! :lol:

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Talking about forgetting, and this is the honest truth, when I get home after a particularly good holiday, I forget things like my PIN number and PC passwords.


The worst thing is the almost-forgetting-how-to-drive sydrome that I suffer from as a direct result of a fortnightsworth of too much exposure to strong sunlight and the cheap local brew.


When I get in the car for the first time, I usually take it for a gentle run round the block (very nervously, may I add), until I get used to the rules of the road and until my clutch foot has been fine-tuned again.

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