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Sheffield - city of townie bars

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And Barnsley's got some cracking places! Lucorum for a starters is a quality place as are the Arches. Actually I'm not offended by that remark at all!

True, but at the end of the day Sheffield ought to be far better than Barnsley - and up there with the likes of Leeds, Nottingham, Liverpool, Newcastle etc.


Wakefield isn't a bad night out though.

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Well Unisol, whats it like to live in a 'town' of 500,000?


You must be confused, I live in Sheffield?!?!?




At least i don't pretend i'm from Sheffield when i really live in some backwater between Barnsley and Wakefield.



P.S. You seem to have a HUGE chip on your shoulder about Sheffield. What wrong has it done to you? What do you come here hoping to achieve with your constant, tedious, defamation of this city? It comes across incredibly childish *well, someone had to say it*

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True, but at the end of the day Sheffield ought to be far better than Barnsley - and up there with the likes of Leeds, Nottingham, Liverpool, Newcastle etc.


Wakefield isn't a bad night out though.


I have been out in all the places you have mentioned - not been to Liverpool or Newcastle admittedly for a few years. Wakey not been since the Rooftop gardens years :hihi:


You can have a good night out ANYWHERE if you know where to look - I love Manchester and Leeds as I know where to go, Nottingham I find a little more difficult to negociate as the bars I've liked seem to be a bit more spread out.


Sheffield is no different to these places and has its percentage of what I class as decent bars but my taste might be completely different to the next persons. For example, I don't like Crystal as it seems to play house music all night and I've found it quite pretentious but one of my mates loves it in there for those reasons!

I like the Green Room, DQ, The Common Room, The Washy as they play music I like and has a good mix of people in them. I like the fact not everyone wants to go where I want to go and there are enough places I like now to do the different pub/bar crawls I want to do. I'd just like one more bar to open down near Wig/Pen Boho and I'd be sorted.

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I'd just like one more bar to open down near Wig/Pen Boho and I'd be sorted.


Isn't Sola still open?


.. and (apparently) Wig and Pen are extending to open out onto Paradise Sq, which could be cool.


I think more bars will start to open along Campo Lane in time - what with Velocity village being quite close (which, incidentally, will have no bars - only a coffee bar)

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Isn't Sola still open?


.. and (apparently) Wig and Pen are extending to open out onto Paradise Sq, which could be cool.


I think more bars will start to open along Campo Lane in time - what with Velocity village being quite close (which, incidentally, will have no bars - only a coffee bar)


I dunno, Sola structually is a cracking bar. Everytime i've been past it it's been shut. Vinny used to post on here but can't remember last time i saw one of his posts or anything to do with it.

Thanks for the other information... :) I look forward to a summer sat outside Wig and pen! :thumbsup:

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We also have an excellent selection of more traditional pubs and bars where you can enjoy good quality ale, some in a relaxed atmosphere and some in a lively musical atmosphere. I am talking pubs such as the Grapes, Dog & Partridge, Washington, Dove & Rainbow, Kelham Island Tavern, Devonshire Cat, Red Deer, Red Lion, Bath Hotel etc etc.

Many of these places are independently run, a little quirky, and don't follow some corporate formula invented by a marketing department in London.


ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! The best gems are in the back streets, and yes, we pride ourselves on being quite quirky and independant:thumbsup:

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You must be confused, I live in Sheffield?!?!?




At least i don't pretend i'm from Sheffield when i really live in some backwater between Barnsley and Wakefield.



P.S. You seem to have a HUGE chip on your shoulder about Sheffield. What wrong has it done to you? What do you come here hoping to achieve with your constant, tedious, defamation of this city? It comes across incredibly childish *well, someone had to say it*

You hate thre truth about Sheffield. The likes of yourself slag off other towns and cities without taking a long hard look at your own. I know people slag off Leeds as pretentious - especially on these boards - more out of envy than anything else, but pretentiousness is definitely a Sheffield disease - witness the sneering contempt for neighbouring towns when Sheffield is no great shakes itself, but with one difference. Sheffielders have little to be pretentious about.

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You hate thre truth about Sheffield. The likes of yourself slag off other towns and cities without taking a long hard look at your own. I know people slag off Leeds as pretentious - especially on these boards - more out of envy than anything else, but pretentiousness is definitely a Sheffield disease - witness the sneering contempt for neighbouring towns when Sheffield is no great shakes itself, but with one difference. Sheffielders have little to be pretentious about.


If i were envious of another town/city, i would certainly go and live there.


And if you're talking about Leeds - no, i don't hate the place at all - it has much better shops than Sheffield. I can't think of another single thing i'd need or want to go there for.


BTW - you STILL haven't told us why you spend so much time slagging off Sheffield AND why you spend so much of your precious time doing so.


Come on, let's get to the heart of the matter and get it off your chest.

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BTW - you STILL haven't told us why you spend so much time slagging off Sheffield AND why you spend so much of your precious time doing so.


Come on, let's get to the heart of the matter and get it off your chest.

I have to admit i'm curious
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